请注意,该命令不是从telnet smtp.1and1.com运行的587
但这正在运行telnet smtp.gmail.com 587
var transporterOptions = {
host: "smtp.1and1.com",port: 587,auth: {
user: email,pass: pass
Google已在实例级别屏蔽了端口587,因此您将无法使用该端口发送任何电子邮件.有关更多信息,请访问Sending Email from an Instance,其中显示:
Google Compute Engine does not allow outbound connections on ports 25,465,and 587. By default,these outbound SMTP ports are blocked because of the large amount of abuse these ports are susceptible to. In addition,having a trusted third-party provider such as SendGrid,Mailgun,or Mailjet relieves Compute Engine and you from maintaining IP reputation with your receivers.
但是,有一个逐步的安装指南叫Sending Email with SendGrid,您可以遵循.