
前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了澄清Nginx和所需的负载平衡 前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


Every request to Instagram servers goes through load balancing machines; we used to run 2 Nginx machines and DNS Round-Robin between them. The downside of this approach is the time it takes for DNS to update in case one of the machines needs to get decomissioned. Recently,we moved to using Amazon’s Elastic Load Balancer,with 3 Nginx instances behind it that can be swapped in and out (and are automatically taken out of rotation if they fail a health check). We also terminate our SSL at the ELB level,which lessens the cpu load on Nginx. We use Amazon’s Route53 for DNS,which they’ve recently added a pretty good GUI tool for in the AWS console.


第二个问题是. Nginx负载均衡器之间有什么区别.为什么我们不能改为使用Nginx

对于第一个问题,我相信答案似乎是,Instagram现在使用Route53将DNS映射到Elastic Load Balancer,它执行两件事:将流量平均地路由到三个Nginx负载均衡器,并且为所有流量提供SSL.然后,Nginx服务器充当堆栈下方的内容/应用程序服务器的负载平衡器.使用ELB代替轮询DNS意味着他们可以添加/删除/更新附加到ELB的实例,而不必担心DNS更新或TTL.

