(.isReachable (java.net.InetAddress/getByName "www.microsoft.com") 5000)
public class NetTest {
public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception{
String host = "acidrayne.net";
InetAddress a = InetAddress.getByName(host);
@H_301_1@使用Unix / Linux ??
@H_301_1@Linux/Unix,instead,supports an ICMP “ping” system call. So the implementation of java.net.InetAddress.isReachable() first tries to perform the “ping” system call**; if this fails,it falls back trying to open a TCP socket on [sic – to] port 7,as in Windows. @H_301_1@It turns out that in Linux/Unix the ping system call requires root privileges,so most of the times java.net.InetAddress.isReachable() will fail,because many Java programs are not run as root@H_301_1@@EJP下面的评论表明关于echo服务的部分是错误的,错误的错误: @H_301_1@,and because the target address unlikely has the echo service up and running. Too bad.
@H_301_1@That’s not correct. isReachable returns true if it gets a ConnectException trying to connect to port 7,as that proves that the host is up and able to send RST segments.@H_301_1@在这些情况下,我使用WireShark,tcpdump(Windows上的WinDump)或snoop(Solaris)等数据包嗅探器来确认线路上发生了什么.