我正在寻找支持认证的java socks Proxy客户端类,有什么建议吗? java.net.Proxy不支持身份验证.
我似乎找不到通过套接字将身份验证数据附加到特定代理主机的方法. Authenticator.setDefault()仅允许一组凭据.
Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator(){
protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication(){
PasswordAuthentication p=new PasswordAuthentication("xxx","xxx".tocharArray());
return p;
Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.SOCKS,new InetSocketAddress("xxx.xx.xxx.xxx",xxx));
Socket sock = new Socket(proxy);
sock.connect(new InetSocketAddress(server,xx));
SOCKS protocol support settings
The SOCKS username and password are
acquired in the following way. First,
if the application has registered a
instance,then this will be queried
with the protocol set to the string
“SOCKS5”,and the prompt set to to the
string “SOCKS authentication”. If the
authenticator does not return a
username/password or if no
authenticator is registered then the
system checks for the user preferences
” and
“. If these
preferences do not exist,then the
system property “user.name
” is checked
for a username. In this case,no
password is supplied.socksProxyHost
socksProxyPort (default: 1080)
Indicates the name of the SOCKS proxy server and the port number that will be used by the SOCKS protocol layer. If socksProxyHost is specified then all TCP sockets will use the SOCKS proxy server to establish a connection or accept one. The SOCKS proxy server can either be a SOCKS v4 or v5 server and it has to allow for unauthenticated connections.
对于客户端代码示例,您可以在Stack Overflow上查看this answer.
在您的情况下,可能的解决方案是使用HttpComponents HttpClient(传统Commons HTTP Client 3.x的后继者).查看samples,尤其是Request via a proxy和Proxy authentication示例.