import java.io.*; /** * A positionable file output stream. * <p> * Threading Design : [x] Single Threaded [ ] Threadsafe [ ] Immutable [ ] Isolated */ public class RandomFileOutputStream extends OutputStream { // ***************************************************************************** // INSTANCE PROPERTIES // ***************************************************************************** protected RandomAccessFile randomFile; // the random file to write to protected boolean sync; // whether to synchronize every write // ***************************************************************************** // INSTANCE CONSTRUCTION/INITIALIZATON/FINALIZATION,OPEN/CLOSE // ***************************************************************************** public RandomFileOutputStream(String fnm) throws IOException { this(fnm,false); } public RandomFileOutputStream(String fnm,boolean syn) throws IOException { this(new File(fnm),syn); } public RandomFileOutputStream(File fil) throws IOException { this(fil,false); } public RandomFileOutputStream(File fil,boolean syn) throws IOException { super(); File par; // parent file fil=fil.getAbsoluteFile(); if((par=fil.getParentFile())!=null) { IoUtil.createDir(par); } randomFile=new RandomAccessFile(fil,"rw"); sync=syn; } // ***************************************************************************** // INSTANCE METHODS - OUTPUT STREAM IMPLEMENTATION // ***************************************************************************** public void write(int val) throws IOException { randomFile.write(val); if(sync) { randomFile.getFD().sync(); } } public void write(byte[] val) throws IOException { randomFile.write(val); if(sync) { randomFile.getFD().sync(); } } public void write(byte[] val,int off,int len) throws IOException { randomFile.write(val,off,len); if(sync) { randomFile.getFD().sync(); } } public void flush() throws IOException { if(sync) { randomFile.getFD().sync(); } } public void close() throws IOException { randomFile.close(); } // ***************************************************************************** // INSTANCE METHODS - RANDOM ACCESS EXTENSIONS // ***************************************************************************** public long getFilePointer() throws IOException { return randomFile.getFilePointer(); } public void setFilePointer(long pos) throws IOException { randomFile.seek(pos); } public long getFileSize() throws IOException { return randomFile.length(); } public void setFileSize(long len) throws IOException { randomFile.setLength(len); } public FileDescriptor getFD() throws IOException { return randomFile.getFD(); } } // END PUBLIC CLASS