java – JSR 303自定义约束覆盖

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了java – JSR 303自定义约束覆盖前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


@Size(min=100,max=150) //override standart values from AlphanumericString annotation


好的,回答我自己. @OverridesParameter有助于重新分配嵌套的注释参数

@Size //arbitrary parameter values
public @interface FrenchZipCode {
    String message() default "Wrong zipcode";
    String[] groups() default {};

    @OverridesParameters( {
        @OverridesParameter(constraint=Size.class,parameter="max") } )
    int size() default 5;

    String sizeMessage() default "{error.zipcode.size}";

    String numericalMessage() default "{error.zipcode.numerical}";



这是一个很好的问题. JSR 303 Bean Validation specification描述了3.5节中的验证例程.

For a given group to validate,the validation routine applied on a
given bean instance is expected to execute the following constraint
validations in no particular order:

  • for all reachable fields,execute all field level validations (including the ones expressed on superclasses) matching the targeted
    group unless the given validation constraint has already been
    processed during this validation routine for a given navigation path
    (see Section 3.5.1) as part of a prevIoUs group match.

The object validation routine is described as such. For each
constraint declaration:

  • determine for the constraint declaration,the appropriate ConstraintValidator to use (see Section 3.5.3).
  • execute the isValid operation (from the constraint validation implementation) on the appropriate data (see Section 2.4)
  • if isValid returns true,continue to the next constraint,
  • if isValid returns false,the Bean Validation provider populates ConstraintViolation object(s) according to the rules defined in Section 2.4 and appends these objects to the list of constraint violations.


所以回答你的问题.不,当您使用@Size addaly时,@ AlphanumericString不会应用任何覆盖.为了能够实现我认为您尝试执行的操作,您可以创建一个约束组合,其中您可以从组成注释中覆盖属性

@Constraint(validatedBy = AlphanumericStringValidator.class)
public @interface AlphanumericString {
   // ...
  int min() default 3
  int max() default 230;       
   // ...


@AlphanumericString(min = 100,max = 150)
