@Rule public MyActivityTestRule<ActivityToStartWith> activityRule = new MyActivityTestRule<>( ActivityToStartWith.class,true,false );
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { activityRule.launchActivity(new Intent()); }
@After public void tearDown() throws Exception { cleanUpDataBaseAfterTest(); returnToStartingActivity(activityRule); }
这些方法 – setUp(),tearDown()是每次测试运行之前/之后调用的必要条件 – 以确保测试开始期间的应用程序状态是正确的.
@Override public Statement apply(final Statement base,Description description) { return new ActivityStatement(super.apply(base,description)); }
public class UiThreadStatement extends Statement { private final Statement mBase; private final boolean mRunOnUiThread; public UiThreadStatement(Statement base,boolean runOnUiThread) { mBase = base; mRunOnUiThread = runOnUiThread; } @Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable { if (mRunOnUiThread) { final AtomicReference<Throwable> exceptionRef = new AtomicReference<>(); getInstrumentation().runOnMainSync(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { mBase.evaluate(); } catch (Throwable throwable) { exceptionRef.set(throwable); } } }); Throwable throwable = exceptionRef.get(); if (throwable != null) { throw throwable; } } else { mBase.evaluate(); } } }
不管我对我的测试做什么我永远不能创建case mRunOnUiThread布尔值为true.如果在我的测试用例中,将出现带有注释@UiThreadTest的测试 – 或者这就是我从代码中理解的内容.它永远不会发生,我不使用任何类似的东西所以我决定忽略这个UiThreadStatement并将MyActivityTestRule更改为:
@Override public Statement apply(final Statement base,Description description) { return new ActivityStatement(base); }
我的测试用例没有任何问题.感谢我留下的所有东西 – 包围mBase.evaluate()的是:
private class ActivityStatement extends Statement { private final Statement mBase; public ActivityStatement(Statement base) { mBase = base; } @Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable { try { if (mLaunchActivity) { mActivity = launchActivity(getActivityIntent()); } mBase.evaluate(); } finally { finishActivity(); afterActivityFinished(); } } }
根据我的理解,mBase.evaluate()在@Test注释方法中运行我的代码.它还会在throwable被抛出期间停止测试用例.这意味着我可以抓住它并重新启动它 – 就像在那里提出的那样:
How to Re-run failed JUnit tests immediately?
public class ActivityRetryStatement extends Statement { private final Statement mBase; private final int MAX_RUNS = 2; public ActivityRetryStatement(Statement base) { mBase = base; } @Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable { Throwable throwable = null; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_RUNS; i++) { try { mBase.evaluate(); // if you reach this lane that means evaluate passed // and you don't need to do the next run break; } catch (Throwable t) { // save first throwable if occurred if (throwable == null) { throwable = t; } // my try that didn't work launchActivity(testInitialIntent); // I've returned test to starting screen but // mBase.envaluate() didn't make it run again // it would be cool now to: // - invoke @After // - finish current activity // - invoke @Before again and start activity // - mBase.evaluate() should restart @Test on activity started again by @Before } } finishActivity(); afterActivityFinished(); // if 1st try fail but 2nd passes inform me still that there was error if (throwable != null) { throw throwable; } } }
因此,catch块中的那些注释是我不知道该怎么做的部分.我尝试在setUp()中使用的intent上执行launchActivity,以便第一次运行测试.但是mBase.evaluate()并没有让它做出反应(测试用例没有再次发生) – 没有发生任何事情它不会真的拯救我,我认为.我在@SetUp中缺少一些启动,它没有被再次调用.我真的想找到一种方法如何正确地重新启动整个测试生命周期@Before @Test @After再次.也许有人从代码中调用Instrumentation或TestRunner.