@H_301_3@I have created an http request in my project. I sat it but didn’t work
so simplified that part to test it: This is it:
HttpClient cl = new DefaultHttpClient(); try { HttpResponse httpResponse = cl.execute(new HttpGet("http://www.google.com")); System.out.println(httpResponse.getEntity().getContentLength()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("didn't work!"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); }@H_301_3@但是当我运行它时我会得到这些:
07-21 15:57:36.203 26851-26851/com.akgradev.upbman W/﹕ Unable to open '/system/framework/qcom.fmradio.jar': No such file or directory 07-21 15:57:36.203 26851-26851/com.akgradev.upbman W/art﹕ Failed to open zip archive '/system/framework/qcom.fmradio.jar': I/O Error
@H_301_3@And of course a “Didn’t work!” and a “null” for prints! I appreciate
your tips Tnx