
short s = 'a';       // valid
Short ss = 'a';      // valid
int i = 'a';         // valid
Integer ii = 'a';    // invalid

为什么Integer ii =’a’无效,但int i =’a’有效?为什么短ss =’a’有效,但整数ii =’a’无效?


byte b;
final short s = 1;
final Short ss = 1;
final int i =1;
final Integer ii = i;
final long L = 1;
final Long LL =1L;

b = s;     // valid
b = ss;    // invalid
b = i;     // valid
b = ii;    // invalid
b = L;     // invalid
b = LL;    // invalid

为什么b = L;无效,而b = s;有效吗?



Short s = 'a'; // is valid ...

因为char是无符号的16位值(最大值是65,536)而short是有符号的16位值(最大值是32,767),所以有一个缩小的原始转换(char to short),然后是一个装箱转换(short to short) ).

short s = 'a'; // is valid - this is a narrowing primitive conversion (char -> short)

这些是special cases

In addition,if the expression is a constant expression of
type byte,short,char,or int:

  • A narrowing primitive conversion may be used if the type of the
    variable is byte,or char,and the value of the constant
    expression is representable in the type of the variable.

A narrowing primitive conversion followed by a Boxing conversion may
be used if the type of the variable is:

  • Byte and the value of the constant expression is representable in the
    type byte.

  • Short and the value of the constant expression is representable in the
    type short.

  • Character and the value of the constant expression is representable in
    the type char.


Integer ii = 'a'; // is invalid - not a special case according to Oracle docs
int i = 'a';      // is valid - widening primitive conversion (char -> int) is allowed


byte b;
final long L = 1;
b = L // error - incompatible types

为什么线b = L无效?因为它不是上面描述的特殊情况,我们可以在演员表中丢失信息,这就是你必须明确地执行它的原因:

b = (byte) L; // is valid - narrowing primitive conversion (long -> byte)



// Cast is permitted,but not required - profit!
byte  b = (byte)  100;
short s = (short) 100;


byte  b = 100;
short s = 100;
