97n1 + 89n2 + 42n3 + 20n4 + 16n5 + 11n6 + 2n7 - 185 > 0 -98n1 - 90n2 - 43n3 - 21n4 - 17n5 - 12n6 - 3n7 + 205 > 0 n1 >= 0,n2 >= 0,n3 >=0. n4 >=0,n5 >=0,n6 >=0,n7 >= 0
例如,一组n1 = 2,n2 = n3 = … = n7 = 0使不等式成立.我如何找出所有其他值集?类似的问题已在M.SE发布.
ADDED ::我需要概括n个变量的解决方案(可能很大).我可以申请什么程序?对于另一个特定情况,n = 8
97n1 + 89n2 + 42n3 + 20n4 + 16n5 + 11n6 + 6n7 + 2n8 - 185 > 0 -98n1 - 90n2 - 43n3 - 21n4 - 17n5 - 12n6 - 7 - 3n8 + 205 > 0 n1 >= 0,n7 >= 0,n8 >= 0
Python需要永远. Wolfram Mathematica透露,在不到一分钟的时间内就有4015种解决方案.
Length[Solve[{97 n1 + 89 n2 + 42 n3 + 20 n4 + 16 n5 + 11 n6 + 6 n7 + 2 n8 - 185 > 0,-98 n1 - 90 n2 - 43 n3 - 21 n4 - 17 n5 - 12 n6 - 7 n7 - 3 n8 + 205 > 0,n1 >= 0,n3 >= 0,n4 >= 0,n5 >= 0,n6 >= 0,n8 >= 0},{n1,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8},Integers]]
def solve(smin,smax,coef1,coef2): """ Return a list of lists of non-negative integers `n` that satisfy the inequalities,sum([coef1[i] * n[i] for i in range(len(coef1)]) > smin sum([coef2[i] * n[i] for i in range(len(coef1)]) < smax where coef1 and coef2 are equal-length lists of positive integers. """ if smax < 0: return [] n_max = ((smax-1) // coef2[0]) solutions = [] if len(coef1) > 1: for n0 in range(n_max + 1): for solution in solve(smin - n0 * coef1[0],smax - n0 * coef2[0],coef1[1:],coef2[1:]): solutions.append([n0] + solution) else: n_min = max(0,(smin // coef1[0]) + 1) for n0 in range(n_min,n_max + 1): if n0 * coef1[0] > smin and n0 * coef2[0] < smax: solutions.append([n0]) return solutions
smin,coef1 = 185,(97,89,42,20,16,11,2) smax,coef2 = 205,(98,90,43,21,17,12,3) solns7 = solve(smin,coef2) len(solns7) 1013
而对于这样的长期问题,6,7,3) solns8 = solve(smin,coef2) len(solns8) 4015
在我的Macbook上,这两种情况都在几毫秒内完成.这应该可以很好地扩展到稍微大一些的问题,但从根本上说,它是系数N的O(2 ^ N).实际扩展的程度取决于附加系数的大小 – 更大的系数(与smax-相比) smin),解决方案越少,运行速度越快.
更新:从关于链接M.SE post的讨论中,我看到这里两个不等式之间的关系是问题结构的一部分.鉴于此,可以给出稍微简单的解决方案.下面的代码还包括一些额外的优化,可以在我的笔记本电脑上将8变量的解决方案从88毫秒加速到34毫秒.我已经尝试了多达22个变量的示例,并在不到一分钟的时间内得到了结果,但对于数百个变量来说,它永远不会实用.
def solve(smin,coef): """ Return a list of lists of non-negative integers `n` that satisfy the inequalities,sum([coef[i] * n[i] for i in range(len(coef)]) > smin sum([(coef[i]+1) * n[i] for i in range(len(coef)]) < smax where coef is a list of positive integer coefficients,ordered from highest to lowest. """ if smax <= smin: return [] if smin < 0 and smax <= coef[-1]+1: return [[0] * len(coef)] c0 = coef[0] c1 = c0 + 1 n_max = ((smax-1) // c1) solutions = [] if len(coef) > 1: for n0 in range(n_max + 1): for solution in solve(smin - n0 * c0,smax - n0 * c1,coef[1:]): solutions.append([n0] + solution) else: n_min = max(0,(smin // c0) + 1) for n0 in range(n_min,n_max + 1): solutions.append([n0]) return solutions
solutions = solve(185,205,2)) len(solutions) 4015