public class Shape{ private String shapeName; private int numSides; public String toString(){ return shapeName + " has " + numSides + " sides."; } } public class ObjectList{ private Object[] list = new Object[10]; private int numElement = 0; public void add(Object next){ list[numElement] = next; } public String toString(){ // prints out the array of objects // do I call the toString() method from the object? // or do I print the instance variables? What am I printing? // I'm guessing I do a for loop here } } public class Driver{ public static void main(String[] args){ ObjectList list = new ObjectList(); Shape square = new Shape("square",4); Shape hex = new Shape("hexagon",6); list.add(square); list.toString(); // prints out array of objects }
square has 4 sides hexagon has 6 sides