java – Generic Restriction Hell:Bound Mismatch

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了java – Generic Restriction Hell:Bound Mismatch前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
class A {

class B {

class C extends B {

class D<T extends B> extends A {

class StringMap<T extends A> {
   HashMap<String,T> _elements;


class X {
  StringMap<D<C>> _thing = new StringMap<D<C>>;

到目前为止这一切都很好. d&LT c取代;实际上是一个非常长的名称,并且特定组合将在代码的其他部分中非常频繁地出现,因此我决定使用特定组合的类,以便更清楚并且具有更短的名称.

class DC extends D<C> {


//and go to update X
class X {
  StringMap<D<C>> _thing = new StringMap<D<C>>(); //still works fine
  StringMap<DC> _thing = new StringMap<DC>(); //error


Bound mismatch: The type DC is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter <T extends A> of the type StringMap<T>

所以问题是,为什么这不仅仅起作用? DC不做任何事情,只是延伸D< C>.并回应构造函数.为什么StringMap看到DC是不同的,因为它只是一个它除外的子类?

好的,重新设计的例子更接近我实际做的事情.我测试了它确实产生了错误.我在这里做的是使用泛型类型来确保clone()为继承树中实现它的人返回正确的类.然后在子类中,我使用B< T extends B< T>>确保B的子类作为泛型类型T在B的子类中传递.

public abstract class Undoable<T> implements Comparable<T> {
  public abstract T clone();
  public abstract void updateFields(T modified);

abstract public class A<T extends A<T,U>,U extends Comparable<U>>
    extends Undoable<T> {
  abstract U getKey();

  public int compareTo(T element)
    return getKey().compareTo(element.getKey());

public class B<T extends B<T>> extends A<T,String> {
  public T clone()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return null;

  public void updateFields(T modified)
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

  String getKey()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return null;

public class C extends B<C> {


public class D<T extends B<T>> extends A<D<T>,String> {
  String getKey()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return null;

  public D<T> clone()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return null;

  public void updateFields(D<T> modified)
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

public class DC extends D<C> {


public class StringMap<T extends Undoable<T>> {
  HashMap<String,T> _elements;


public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args)
    StringMap<D<C>> _thing = new StringMap<D<C>>(); //works
    StringMap<DC> _thing1 = new StringMap<DC>(); //error
//Bound mismatch: The type DC is not a valid substitute for
//the bounded parameter <T extends Undoable<T>> of the type StringMap<T>



import java.util.HashMap;

public class Q {
    class A {
    class B {
    class C extends B {
    class D<T extends B> extends A {

    class StringMap<T extends A> {
        HashMap<String,T> _elements;

    class DC extends D<C> {


    //and go to update X
    class X {
        StringMap<D<C>> thing1 = new StringMap<D<C>>(); // still works fine
        StringMap<DC> thing2 = new StringMap<DC>(); // NO error!!!

