JPA2.0:删除OneToMany RelationShip中的实体

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了JPA2.0:删除OneToMany RelationShip中的实体前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
   @NamedQuery(name="User.findByUserNamePassword",query="select c from User c where c.userName = :userName AND c.password = :password")
public class User implements Serializable {
    private List<Profession> professions;

    public List<Profession> getProfessions() {
       return professions;

    public void setProfessions(List<Profession> professions) {
       this.professions = professions;

    public void addProfession(Profession profession){
       if(this.professions == null){
          this.professions = new ArrayList<Profession>();

    public void removeProfession(Profession profession){
       if(this.professions != null){


public class Profession implements Serializable {
    private User user;

    public User getUser() {
       return user;

    public void setUser(User user) {
       this.user = user;


public class ScholarEJB{

     * Add a profession to a target user
     * @param user
     * @param profession
    public void addProfession(User user,Profession profession){
        //Put the user in a managed state. It is important to do this before
        //adding a new profession onto user
        user = find(User.class,user.getId());
        this.create(user);   //This is persist action

    public void removeProfession(User user,user.getId());
        this.update(user);  //merge action
        //this.create(user) //also try this as well,but it does not work



private List<Profession> professions;

这就是JPA 2.0规范所述的内容

JPA 2.0规范指出了这一点

Associations that are specified as
OneToOne or OneToMany support use of
the orphanRemoval option. The
following behaviors apply when
orphanRemoval is in effect:

If an entity that is the target of the
relationship is removed from the
relationship (by setting the
relationship to null or removing the
entity from the relationship
collection),the remove operation will
be applied to the entity being
orphaned. The remove operation is
applied at the time of the flush
operation. The orphanRemoval
functionality is intended for entities
that are privately “owned” by their
parent entity. Portable applications
must otherwise not depend upon a
specific order of removal,and must
not reassign an entity that has been
orphaned to another relationship or
otherwise attempt to persist it. If
the entity being orphaned is a
detached,new,or removed entity,the
semantics of orphanRemoval do not

If the remove operation is applied to a managed source entity,the remove operation will be cascaded to the relationship target in accordance with the rules of section 3.2.3,(and hence it is not necessary to specify cascade=REMOVE for the relationship)[20].
