java – 泽西:InjectableProvider没有拿起 – 春天

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了java – 泽西:InjectableProvider没有拿起 – 春天前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。



注意:我正在Glassfish 3.1中运行,并使用Spring 3.1.似乎合理的是,Spring可能会以某种方式接管供应商的自动加载.但是,我只是不知道.我没有使用Spring来管理下面的建议的InjectableProvider,也没有尝试以其他方式添加它,这可能是我的问题.

import com.sun.jersey.core.spi.component.ComponentContext;
import com.sun.jersey.spi.inject.Injectable;
import com.sun.jersey.spi.inject.PerRequestTypeInjectableProvider;

public abstract class AbstractAttributeInjectableProvider<T>
        extends PerRequestTypeInjectableProvider<AttributeParam,T>
    protected final Class<T> type;

    public AbstractAttributeInjectableProvider(Class<T> type)

        this.type = type;

    public Injectable<T> getInjectable(ComponentContext componentContext,AttributeParam attributeParam)
        return new AttributeInjectable<T>(type,attributeParam.value());



@Component // <- Spring Annotation
@Provider  // <- Jersey Annotation
public class MyTypeAttributeInjectableProvider
        extends AbstractAttributeInjectableProvider<MyType>
    public MyTypeAttributeInjectableProvider()


public @interface AttributeParam
     * The value is the name to request as an attribute from an {@link
     * HttpContext}'s {@link HttpServletRequest}.
     * @return Never {@code null}. Should never be blank.
    String value();

参考link from Jersey developer.


首先,我假设泽西岛将在传统的Jersey-Spring servlet被启动之后开始扫描@Providers:com.sun.jersey.spi.spring.container.servlet.SpringServlet.这大概是错误的它确实开始扫描,但它查找具有注释的Spring bean.

其次,我假设PerRequestTypeInjectableProvider将被询问每个传入的请求,一个可注入来处理它控制的注释.这也是错的. PerRequestTypeInjectableProvider在启动时按预期进行实例化,但Jersey立即要求Injectable处理给定类型的给定注释,该给定的注释通过扫描Restful Services来确定它在此时决定管理(也就是说,他们都是这样).



public class AttributeInjectable<T> implements Injectable<T>
     * The type of data that is being requested.
    private final Class<T> type;
     * The name to extract from the {@link HttpServletRequest} attributes.
    private final String name;

     * Converts the attribute with the given {@code name} into the {@code type}.
     * @param type The type of data being retrieved
     * @param name The name being retrieved.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any parameter is {@code null}.
    public AttributeInjectable(Class<T> type,String name)
        // check for null

        // required
        this.type = type; = name;

     * Look up the requested value.
     * @return {@code null} if the attribute does not exist or if it is not the
     *         appropriate {@link Class type}.
     *         <p />
     *         Note: Jersey most likely will fail if the value is {@code null}.
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@link HttpServletRequest} is unset.
     * @see #getRequest()
    public T getValue()
        T value = null;
        Object object = getRequest().getAttribute(name);

        if (type.isInstance(object))
            value = type.cast(object);

        return value;

     * Get the current {@link HttpServletRequest} [hopefully] being made
     * containing the {@link HttpServletRequest#getAttribute(String) attribute}.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the Servlet Filter for the {@link
     *                              RequestContextHolder} is not setup
     *                              appropriately.
     * @see org.springframework.web.filter.RequestContextFilter
    protected HttpServletRequest getRequest()
        // get the request from the Spring Context Holder (this is done for
        //  every request by a filter)
        ServletRequestAttributes attributes =

        return attributes.getRequest();



结果确实有效,并且它使得代码更加可读,而不会强制各种服务扩展一个基类,只是为了隐藏@Context HttpServletRequest请求的使用,然后用于通过某些帮助方法完成上述的访问属性.


public interface MyService
    Response postData(@AttributeParam("") MyType data);

    Response postOtherData(@AttributeParam("") MyOtherType data);

@Component // Spring
public class MyServiceBean implements MyService
    public Response postData(MyType data)
        // interact with data

    public Response postOtherData(MyOtherType data)
        // interact with data



public class RequestContextBean
     * The current request from the user.
    protected HttpServletRequest request;

     * Get the attribute associated with the current {@link HttpServletRequest}.
     * @param name The attribute name.
     * @param type The expected type of the attribute.
     * @return {@code null} if the attribute does not exist,or if it does not
     *         match the {@code type}. Otherwise the appropriately casted
     *         attribute.
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code type} is {@code null}.
    public <T> T getAttribute(String name,Class<T> type)
        T value = null;
        Object attribute = request.getAttribute(name);

        if (type.isInstance(attribute))
            value = type.cast(attribute);

        return value;

public interface MyService
    Response postData();

    Response postOtherData();

public class MyServiceBean extends RequestContextBean implements MyService
    public Response postData()
        MyType data = getAttribute("",MyType.class);
        // interact with data

    Response postOtherData()
        MyOtherType data = getAttribute("",MyOtherType.class);
        // interact with data

UPDATE2:我想到了我的AbstractAttributeInjectableProvider的实现,它本身就是一个通用类,它只存在为给定类型提供AttributeInjectable,Class< T>和提供的AttributeParam.提供与每个请求的AttributeParam类型(Class< T>)告知的非抽象实现非常简单,从而避免了一系列构造函数实现,为您提供类型.这也避免了为要用于AttributeParam注释的每一种类型编写代码.

public class AttributeParamInjectableProvider
        implements InjectableProvider<AttributeParam,Type>
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @return Always {@link ComponentScope#PerRequest}.
    public ComponentScope getScope()
        return ComponentScope.PerRequest;

     * Get an {@link AttributeInjectable} to inject the {@code parameter} for
     * the given {@code type}.
     * @param context Unused.
     * @param parameter The requested parameter
     * @param type The type of data to be returned.
     * @return {@code null} if {@code type} is not a {@link Class}. Otherwise
     *         an {@link AttributeInjectable}.
    public AttributeInjectable<?> getInjectable(ComponentContext context,AttributeParam parameter,Type type)
        AttributeInjectable<?> injectable = null;

        // as long as it's something that we can work with...
        if (type instanceof Class)
            injectable = getInjectable((Class<?>)type,parameter);

        return injectable;

     * Create a new {@link AttributeInjectable} for the given {@code type} and
     * {@code parameter}.
     * <p />
     * This is provided to avoid the support for generics without the need for
     * {@code SuppressWarnings} (avoided via indirection).
     * @param type The type of data to be returned.
     * @param parameter The requested parameter
     * @param <T> The type of data being accessed by the {@code param}.
     * @return Never {@code null}.
    protected <T> AttributeInjectable<T> getInjectable(Class<T> type,AttributeParam parameter)
        return new AttributeInjectable<T>(type,parameter.value());




我会假设你正在使用泽西使用泽西弹簧servlet.在这种情况下,泽西将默认使用Spring bean初始化,因此您的Provider必须是一个Spring bean.尝试添加一个@Named(或者如果您不使用atinject @Component或Spring annotaions之一)到您的Provider.

An example of using Injectable Providers.





public class UserProvider extends PerRequestTypeInjectableProvider<AttributeParam,Users>{

    public UserProvider(){

    HttpServletRequest request;

    public Injectable<Users> getInjectable(ComponentContext cc,AttributeParam a) {

        String attributeValue = AnnotationUtils.getValue(a);

        return new Injectable<Users>(){

            public Users getValue() {
                System.out.println("Called"); //This should be called for each request
                return request.getAttribute(attributeValue);







使用PerRequestTypeInjectableProvider和SingletonTypeInjectableProvider进行注入不是将值注入到资源中的唯一两个选项.您也可以使用StringReaderProvider注入* Param值.显然这样的注射是要求范围.

public class UserProviderParam implements StringReaderProvider<Users> {

    HttpServletRequest request;

    public StringReader<Users> getStringReader(Class<?> type,Type type1,Annotation[] antns) {
        if(type.equals(Users.class) {
           return null;

        String attributeValue = null;
        for(Annotation a : antns) {
               attributeValue = (String)AnnotationUtils.getValue(a);

        return new StringReader<Users>(){
            public Users fromString(String string) {
                // Use the value of the *Param or ignore it and use the attributeValue of our custom annotation.
                return request.getAttribute(attributeValue);




您的资源中的任何* Param将调用此提供程序.因此,如上所述的提供商,以及如下所述的资源,Users值将被注入到您的资源方法中.

public class UserResource {

    public Result<Users> get(@AttributeParam("foo") @PathParam("id") Users user) {


