然而,Sun的ImageIO库中的Java JPEGImageWriter将很乐意地使用Alpha通道编写和读取灰度和RGB图像,尽管在Linux上几乎没有任何应用程序,我已经尝试过,将正确加载这样的JPEG.过去曾经报道过这个bug,但是Sun的回应是these are valid files:
This is not an Image I/O bug,but rather a deficiency in the other applications
the submitter mentions. The IIO JPEGImageWriter is able to write images with
a color model that contains an alpha channel (referred to in the IJG native
source code as the “NIFTY” color spaces,such as RGBA,YCbCrA,etc.),but many applications are not aware of these color spaces. So even though these images
written by the IIO JPEG writer are compliant with the JPEG specification (which
is blind to the varIoUs color space possiblities),some applications may not
recognize color spaces that contain an alpha channel and may throw an
error or render a corrupted image,as the submitter describes.Developers wishing to maintain compatibility with these other alpha-unaware
applications should write images that do not contain an alpha channel (such as
TYPE_INT_RGB). Developers who want the capability of writing/reading an image
containing an alpha channel in the JPEG format can do so using the Image I/O
API,but need to be aware that many native applications out there are not quite
compliant with the YCbCrA and RGBA formats.For more information,see the Image I/O JPEG Metadata Format Specification and Usage Notes:
07003Closing as “not a bug”.
xxxxx@xxxxx 2003-03-24
我正在使用一个Java应用程序来创建这样的文件,并且想要编写一些尽可能快地加载它们的C代码. (本质上,问题是解压缩这些文件时,Java ImageIO库非常慢,我们希望通过JNI替换加载程序的本机代码,从而改善这一点 – 这是目前的性能瓶颈.)
这里有一些示例文件 – 向任何coulrophobic的人道歉:
> http://mythic-beasts.com/~mark/example-jpegs/
在这里,您可以看到尝试查看使用libjpeg的各种Linux软件的灰度alpha和RGB alpha图像的结果:
所以看起来好像在每种情况下颜色空间都被误解了. jpeglib.h中唯一允许的值为:
/* Known color spaces. */ typedef enum { JCS_UNKNOWN,/* error/unspecified */ JCS_GRAYSCALE,/* monochrome */ JCS_RGB,/* red/green/blue */ JCS_YCbCr,/* Y/Cb/Cr (also known as YUV) */ JCS_CMYK,/* C/M/Y/K */ JCS_YCCK /* Y/Cb/Cr/K */ } J_COLOR_SPACE;
gray-normal.jpg: jpeg_color_space is JCS_GRAYSCALE,out_color_space is JCS_GRAYSCALE gray-alpha.jpg: jpeg_color_space is JCS_CMYK,out_color_space is JCS_CMYK rgb-normal.jpg: jpeg_color_space is JCS_YCbCr,out_color_space is JCS_RGB rgb-alpha.jpg: jpeg_color_space is JCS_CMYK,out_color_space is JCS_CMYK