public static <T> void work(Class<T> type,T instance);
public static <T,S extends T> void work(Class<T> type,S instance);
Two methods have the same signature if they have the same name and argument types.
Two method or constructor declarations M and N have the same argument types if all of the following conditions hold:
- They have the same number of formal parameters (possibly zero)
- They have the same number of type parameters (possibly zero)
If they don’t have the same signatures,then why when I copy and paste them in one class Eclipse tell me that they have the same method signature?
Two method signatures m1 and m2 are override-equivalent iff either m1 is a subsignature of m2 or m2 is a subsignature of m1.
It is a compile-time error to declare two methods with override-equivalent signatures in a class.
The signature of a method m1 is a subsignature of the signature of a method m2 if either:
- m2 has the same signature as m1,or
- the signature of m1 is the same as the erasure (§4.6) of the signature of m2.