- public abstract class SupahClass {
- public SupahClass() {
- doStuff(); // It IS executed when the subclass constructor is called
- init(); // NOT executed,even though it's implemented
- }
- private void doStuff() { ... }
- protected abstract void init();
- }
- public class SomeSubClass extends SupahClass {
- // The problem lies HERE: this is executed AFTER init() ... so it gets NULL again
- private TextBox myTextBox = null;
- public SomeSubClass() {
- super(); // invokes the super constructor,so init() should be called
- // I could call init(); here EACH time i create a new subclass... but no :)
- }
- @Override
- public void init() {
- this.myTextBox = new TextBox(); // Executed BEFORE its declared as null above
- }
- }