public void setIncludeAndExclude(ArrayList<JComboBox> Boxes){ String in = "",ex = ""; String[] inSplit,exSplit; boolean[] include = new boolean[Boxes.get(0).getModel().getSize()-1]; for(int i = 0; i < Boxes.size(); i ++){ if(Boxes.get(i).getSelectedIndex() != 0){ include[Boxes.get(i).getSelectedIndex() -1] = true; } } for(int i = 0; i < include.length; i ++){ if(include[i]){ //numToItem is a method that turns an int into a string e.g. 1 = "Acesss Doors" in += (numToItem(i+1)+ ","); }else{ ex += (numToItem(i+1)+ ","); } } //take off the last comma in = in.substring(0,in.lastIndexOf(",")); ex = ex.substring(0,ex.lastIndexOf(",")); //get how many lines there should be inSplit = new String[(in.length()/100) +1]; exSplit = new String[(ex.length()/100) +1]; String temp; int istart = 0,iend = Math.min(100,in.length()),estart = 0,eend = Math.min(100,ex.length()); for(int i = 0; i < inSplit.length; i ++){ try{ temp = in.substring(istart,iend); int Iindex = temp.lastIndexOf(","); temp = ex.substring(estart,eend); int Eindex = temp.lastIndexOf(","); inSplit[i] = in.substring(istart,Iindex); exSplit[i] = ex.substring(estart,Eindex); istart = Iindex; iend = Math.min(iend + 100,in.length()); estart = Eindex; eend = Math.min(eend + 100,ex.length()); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } //reset in and ex to "" in = ""; ex = ""; //set in and ex to the new string with newline characters for(int i = 0; i < inSplit.length; i ++){ in += inSplit[i] + "\n"; ex += exSplit[i] + "\n"; } //set the text of the JTextAreas Include.setText(in); Exclude.setText(ex); }