void printCollection( Collection<?> c ) { for (Object o : c){ System.out.println(o); } }
<T> void printCollection( Collection<T> c ) { for(T o : c) { System.out.println(o); } }
public static double sumOfList(List<? extends Number> list) { double s = 0.0; for (Number n : list) s += n.doubleValue(); return s; }
public static <T extends Number> double sumOfList(List<T> list) { double s = 0.0; for (Number n : list) s += n.doubleValue(); return s; }
One question that arises is: when should I use generic methods,and when should I use wildcard types? To understand the answer,let’s examine a few methods from the Collection libraries.
interface Collection<E> { public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c); public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c); }
We could have used generic methods here instead:
interface Collection<E> { public <T> boolean containsAll(Collection<T> c); public <T extends E> boolean addAll(Collection<T> c); // Hey,type variables can have bounds too! }
However,in both containsAll and addAll,the type parameter T is used only once. The return type doesn’t depend on the type parameter,nor does any other argument to the method (in this case,there simply is only one argument). This tells us that the type argument is being used for polymorphism; its only effect is to allow a variety of actual argument types to be used at different invocation sites. If that is the case,one should use wildcards. Wildcards are designed to support flexible subtyping,which is what we’re trying to express here.