final String to = getMyImageUrl(); final Context appCtx = context.getApplicationContext(); Glide.with(appCtx) .load(sourceImageUri) .asBitmap() .into(new SimpleTarget<Bitmap>(1024,768) { @Override public void onResourceReady(Bitmap resource,GlideAnimation<? super Bitmap> glideAnimation) { try { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(to); resource.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG,70,out); out.flush(); out.close(); MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(appCtx,new String[]{to},null,null); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } });
它几乎完美地工作,但生成的图像的大小不是1024像素宽.使用尺寸为4160 x 2340像素的源图像对其进行测试,得到的保存图像的尺寸为2080 x 1170像素.
我尝试使用传递给新SimpleTarget< Bitmap>(350,350)的宽度和高度参数,并使用这些参数得到的图像尺寸为1040 x 585像素.
有没有人知道发生了什么?我正在使用Glide 3.7.0.
import; import com.bumptech.glide.request.animation.GlideAnimation; import; import; import; public class FileTarget extends SimpleTarget<Bitmap> { public FileTarget(String fileName,int width,int height) { this(fileName,width,height,Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG,70); } public FileTarget(String fileName,int height,Bitmap.CompressFormat format,int quality) { super(width,height); this.fileName = fileName; this.format = format; this.quality = quality; } String fileName; Bitmap.CompressFormat format; int quality; public void onResourceReady(Bitmap bitmap,GlideAnimation anim) { try { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(fileName); bitmap.compress(format,quality,out); out.flush(); out.close(); onFileSaved(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); onSaveException(e); } } public void onFileSaved() { // do nothing,should be overriden (optional) } public void onSaveException(Exception e) { // do nothing,should be overriden (optional) } }
Glide.with(appCtx) .load(sourceImageUri) .asBitmap() .into(new FileTarget(to,1024,768) { @Override public void onFileSaved() { // do anything,or omit this override if you want } });@H_403_20@
Sizing the image usually has two phases:
- Decoding/Downsampler read image from stream with inSampleSize
- Transforming/BitmapTransformation take the Bitmap and match the exact
target sizeThe decoding is always needed and is included in the flow,
the default case is to match the target size with the “at least”
downsampler,so when it comes to the transformation the image can be
downsized more without quality loss (each pixel in the source will
match at least 1.0 pixels and at most ~1.999 pixels) this can be
controlled by asBitmap().at least|atMost|asIs|decoder(with
downsampler)The transformation and target size is automatic by default,but only
when using a ViewTarget. When you load into an ImageView the size of
that will be detected even when it has match_parent. Also if there’s
no explicit transformation there’ll be one applied from scaleType.
Thus results in a pixel perfect Bitmap for that image,meaning 1 pixel
in Bitmap = 1 pixel on screen resulting in the best possible quality
with the best memory usage and fast rendering (because there’s no
pixel mapping needed when drawing the image).With a SimpleTarget you take on these responsibilities by providing a
size on the constructor or via override() or implementing getSize if
the sizing info is async-ly available only.To fix your load add a transformation: .fitCenter|centerCrop(),your
current applied transformation is .dontTransform()
(Answer by 07001)
With a SimpleTarget you take on these responsibilities by providing a
size on the constructor or via override() or implementing getSize if
the sizing info is async-ly available only.
- Decoding/Downsampler read image from stream with inSampleSize
- Transforming/BitmapTransformation take the Bitmap and match the exact
target size
To fix your load add a transformation: .fitCenter|centerCrop(),your
current applied transformation is .dontTransform()
现在,我将它拼凑在一起是有道理的. Glide只是对图像进行下采样(如Róbert所解释的尺寸图像流程中的第一步),它给出了具有近似尺寸的图像.让我说Glide在这方面非常聪明.通过在调整大小之前使用下采样方法,可以避免在内存中处理不必要的大位图并提高调整大小的质量,因为缩减到精确的大小会损害太多“重要”像素!
Glide.with(appCtx) .load(sourceImageUri) .asBitmap() .fitCenter() .into(new FileTarget(to,or omit this override if you want } });
生成的图像现在具有1024 x 576像素的尺寸,这正是我所期望的.
@H_403_20@ @H_403_20@