ios – Alamofire自动存储cookies?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了ios – Alamofire自动存储cookies?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


Alamofire.request(.POST,loginURL,parameters: ["fb_id": fbId,"fb_access_token": fbToken])
         .responseJSON { response in
             //print(response.request)  // original URL request                          
             //print(response.response) // URL response
             //print(     // server data
             //print(response.result)   // result of response serialization

             if let JSON = response.result.value {
                 print("loginURL - JSON: \(JSON)")


这只是一个功能?因为在GitHub page官方,我也找不到任何东西.


是! Alamofire基本上是NSURLSession的包装.它的经理通过调用defaultSessionConfiguration()来使用默认的NSURLSessionConfiguration.

由于其github页面Advanced Usage部分下面所示:

Alamofire is built on NSURLSession and the Foundation URL Loading System. To make the most of this framework,it is recommended that you be familiar with the concepts and capabilities of the underlying networking stack.


Top-level convenience methods like Alamofire.request use a shared instance of Alamofire.Manager,which is configured with the default NSURLSessionConfiguration.

NSURLSessionConfiguration reference的defaultSessionConfiguration()则说:

The default session configuration uses a persistent disk-based cache (except when the result is downloaded to a file) and stores credentials in the user’s keychain. It also stores cookies (by default) in the same shared cookie store as the NSURLConnection and NSURLDownload classes.
