@interface UITableView (VisibleSections) // Returns an array of NSNumbers of the current visible section indexes - (NSArray *)indexesOfVisibleSections; // Returns an array of UITableViewHeaderFooterView objects of the current visible section headers - (NSArray *)visibleSections; @end @implementation UITableView (VisibleSections) - (NSArray *)indexesOfVisibleSections { // Note: We can't just use indexPathsForVisibleRows,since it won't return index paths for empty sections. NSMutableArray *visibleSectionIndexes = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:self.numberOfSections]; for (int i = 0; i < self.numberOfSections; i++) { CGRect headerRect; // In plain style,the section headers are floating on the top,so the section header is visible if any part of the section's rect is still visible. // In grouped style,the section headers are not floating,so the section header is only visible if it's actualy rect is visible. if (self.style == UITableViewStylePlain) { headerRect = [self rectForSection:i]; } else { headerRect = [self rectForHeaderInSection:i]; } // The "visible part" of the tableView is based on the content offset and the tableView's size. CGRect visiblePartOfTableView = CGRectMake(self.contentOffset.x,self.contentOffset.y,self.bounds.size.width,self.bounds.size.height); if (CGRectIntersectsRect(visiblePartOfTableView,headerRect)) { [visibleSectionIndexes addObject:@(i)]; } } return visibleSectionIndexes; } - (NSArray *)visibleSections { NSMutableArray *visibleSects = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:self.numberOfSections]; for (NSNumber *sectionIndex in self.indexesOfVisibleSections) { UITableViewHeaderFooterView *sectionHeader = [self headerViewForSection:sectionIndex.intValue]; [visibleSects addObject:sectionHeader]; } return visibleSects; } @end