ios – 增加UIScrollView橡胶条带阻力

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了ios – 增加UIScrollView橡胶条带阻力前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。




我的下一个想法是监视与scrollview关联的UIPanGestureRecognizer,并根据不同的事件尝试确定正确的UIScrollView contentOffset.话虽如此,我认为这可能会开始恶作剧,所以我以为我会在这里提出我之前没有考虑过的其他解决办法,然后再尝试一些可能会混乱的事情.



我在 Swift的以下代码中加注.这是用于水平滚动,可以轻松地适应垂直滚动.解决方案根据是否启用分页是不同的.两者都在下面给出.
class ScrollViewDelegate : NSObject,UIScrollViewDelegate
    let maxOffset: CGFloat  // offset of the rightmost content (scrollview contentSize.width - frame.width)
    var prevOffset: CGFloat = 0  // prevIoUs offset (after adjusting the value)

    var totalDistance: CGFloat = 0  // total distance it would have moved (had we not restricted)
    let reductionFactor: CGFloat = 0.2  // percent of total distance it will be allowed to move (under restriction)
    let scaleFactor: CGFloat = UIScreen.mainScreen().scale  // pixels per point,for smooth translation in respective devices

    init(maxOffset: CGFloat)
        self.maxOffset = maxOffset  // scrollView.contentSize.width - scrollView.frame.size.width

    func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView)
        let flipped = scrollView.contentOffset.x >= maxOffset  // dealing with left edge or right edge rubber band
        let currentOffset = flipped ? maxOffset - scrollView.contentOffset.x : scrollView.contentOffset.x  // for right edge,flip the values as if screen is folded in half towards the left

        if(currentOffset <= 0)  // if dragging/moving beyond the edge
            if(currentOffset <= prevOffset)  // if dragging/moving beyond prevIoUs offset
                totalDistance += currentOffset - prevOffset  // add the "proposed delta" move to total distance
                prevOffset = round(scaleFactor * totalDistance * reductionFactor) / scaleFactor  // set the prevOffset to fraction of total distance
                scrollView.contentOffset.x = flipped ? maxOffset - prevOffset : prevOffset  // set the target offset,after negating any flipping
            else  // if dragging/moving is reversed,though still beyond the edge
                totalDistance = currentOffset / reductionFactor  // set totalDistance from offset (reverse of prevOffset calculation above)
                prevOffset = currentOffset  // set prevOffset
        else  // if dragging/moving inside the edge
            totalDistance = 0  // reset the values
            prevOffset = 0


class PageScrollViewDelegate : NSObject,for smooth translation in respective devices

    var draggingOver: Bool = false  // finger dragging is over or not
    var overshoot: Bool = false  // is there a chance for page to overshoot page boundary while falling back

    init(maxOffset: CGFloat)
        self.maxOffset = maxOffset  // scrollView.contentSize.width - scrollView.frame.size.width

    func scrollViewWillBeginDragging(scrollView: UIScrollView)
        draggingOver = false  // reset the flags
        overshoot = false

    func scrollViewDidEndDragging(scrollView: UIScrollView,willDecelerate decelerate: Bool)
        draggingOver = true  // finger dragging is over

    func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView)
        let flipped = scrollView.contentOffset.x >= 0.5 * maxOffset // dealing with left edge or right edge rubber band
        let currentOffset = flipped ? maxOffset - scrollView.contentOffset.x : scrollView.contentOffset.x  // for right edge,flip the values as if screen is folded in half towards the left

        if(currentOffset <= 0)  // if dragging/moving beyond the edge
            if(currentOffset <= prevOffset)  // if dragging/moving beyond prevIoUs offset
                overshoot = draggingOver  // is content moving farther away even after dragging is over (caused by fast flick,which can cause overshooting page boundary while falling back)

                totalDistance += currentOffset - prevOffset  // add the "proposed delta" move to total distance
                prevOffset = round(scaleFactor * totalDistance * reductionFactor) / scaleFactor  // set the prevOffset to fraction of total distance
                scrollView.contentOffset.x = flipped ? maxOffset - prevOffset : prevOffset  // set the target offset,though still beyond the edge
                totalDistance = currentOffset / reductionFactor  // set totalDistance from offset (reverse of prevOffset calculation above)
                prevOffset = currentOffset  // set prevOffset
        else  // if dragging/moving inside the edge
            if(overshoot)  // if this movement is a result of overshooting
                scrollView.setContentOffset(CGPointMake(flipped ? maxOffset : 0,scrollView.contentOffset.y),animated: false)  // bring it to resting point and stop further scrolling (this is a patch to control overshooting)

            totalDistance = 0  // reset the values
            prevOffset = 0
