我正在尝试使用Multipeer Connectivity框架,但在尝试使用serviceType实例化MCNeaarbyServiceBrowser时遇到了崩溃.
private func setUpSession() { self.session = MCSession(peer: self.peerId); self.session!.delegate = self; self.browser = MCNearbyServiceBrowser(peer: self.peerId,serviceType: "stc-classroom-vik"); self.browser!.delegate = self; self.advertiser = MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser(peer: self.peerId,discoveryInfo: nil,serviceType: "stc-classroom-vik"); self.advertiser!.delegate = self; }
2014-08-15 12:24:42.689 Xavier[614:254319] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException',reason: 'Invalid serviceType passed to MCNearbyServiceBrowser'
@H_502_15@ 我相信你只允许在你的serviceType参数字符串中使用一个连字符,并且它必须是15个字符或更少.你的有两个连字符和17个字符.从MCNearbyServiceBrowser()的注释:
The serviceType parameter is a short text string used to describe the app’s networking protocol. It should be in the same format as a Bonjour service type: up to 15 characters long and valid characters include ASCII lowercase letters,numbers,and the hyphen. A short name that distinguishes itself from unrelated services is recommended; for example,a text chat app made by ABC company could use the service type “abc-txtchat”.