该失真只发生在webkitAudioContext.decodeAudioData()生成的音频上,然后通过webkitAudioContext.createBufferSource()播放. webkitAudioContext.createMediaElementSource()的音频播放不会变形.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> var buffer = null; var context = null; var voice = null; function load_music(file) { context = new webkitAudioContext(); voice = context.createBufferSource(); var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onload = function() { context.decodeAudioData(request.response,function(result) { buffer = result; document.getElementById("start").value = "Start"; }); }; var base = window.location.pathname; base = base.substring(0,base.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); request.open("GET",base + file,true); request.responseType = "arraybuffer"; request.send(null); } function start_music() { if (!buffer) { alert("Not ready yet"); return; } voice.buffer = buffer; voice.connect(context.destination); voice.noteOn(0); document.getElementById("compare").style.display = "block"; } </script> </head> <body onload="load_music('music.mp3')"> <p>This is a simple demo page to reproduce a <strong>webkitAudio</strong> problem occurring in Safari on iOS 6.1.4. This is a stripped down demo of a phenomenon discovered in our HTML5 game under development,using different assets.</p> <p><u>Steps to reproduce:</u></p> <ol> <li>Power cycle <strong>iPhone 5 with iOS 6.1.4</strong>.</li> <li>Launch Safari immediately,and visit this page.</li> <li>Wait for "Loading..." below to change to "Start".</li> <li>Tap "Start".</li> </ol> <p><u>Issue:</u></p> <p>Audio will be excessively distorted and play at wrong pitch. If another audio-enabled web site is visited before this one,or this site is reloaded,the audio will fix. The distortion only happens on the first visit after cold boot. <strong>To reproduce the bug,it is critical to power cycle before testing.</strong></p> <p>This bug has not been observed on any other iOS version (e.g. does not occur on iPad Mini or iPod 5 using iOS 6.1.3).</p> <input id="start" type="button" value="Loading..." onmousedown="start_music()" /> <span id="compare" style="display:none;"><p><a href="music.mp3">Direct link</a> to audio file,for comparison.</p></span> </body> </html>
注意:身体文本表明这仅发生在iOS 6.1.4上,但我的意思是说,问题只发生在这种情况下的电源循环.在6.1.3的iPad Mini下,我也遇到过这个问题,但是没有电力循环.
故障条件与非故障条件之间存在一个可观察的差异.只读值context.sampleRate在失败状态下将为48000,在非故障状态下为44100. (但是失败状态听起来比非故障状态的音调更低).唯一发生在我身上的是一个黑客,其中如果在浏览器上检测到48000,应该是报告44100,而通过JavaScript刷新页面,但这是严重的userAgent筛选并不是非常未来的证明,这让我很紧张.
即使没有< video>标签后,首次在冷启动后在页面上播放音频时播放失真.重新加载后,它工作正常.
最初的AudioContext似乎默认为48 kHz,这是发生失真的地方(即使是采用48 kHz采样率的音频).当播放正常工作时,AudioContext的采样率为44.1 kHz.
// inside the click/touch handler var playInitSound = function playInitSound() { var source = context.createBufferSource(); source.buffer = context.createBuffer(1,1,48000); source.connect(context.destination); if (source.start) { source.start(0); } else { source.noteOn(0); } }; playInit(); if (context.sampleRate === 48000) { context = new AudioContext(); playInit(); }