NSFetchRequest *fr = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] initWithEntityName:@"Category"]; fr.relationshipKeyPathsForPrefetching = @[@"image"]; NSArray *results = [self.mainContext executeFetchRequest:fr error:nil]; for (Category *category in results) { NSLog(@"%@",category.image.width); }
控制台日志显示未完成任何故障 – 自映像关系设置为预取以来的预期行为.
NSManagedObjectContext *privateMOC = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType]; [privateMOC setParentContext:self.mainContext]; [privateMOC performBlock:^{ NSFetchRequest *fr = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] initWithEntityName:@"Category"]; fr.relationshipKeyPathsForPrefetching = @[@"image"]; NSArray *results = [privateMOC executeFetchRequest:fr error:nil]; for (Category *category in results) { NSLog(@"%@",category.image.width); } }];
******************************** FOREGROUND ************************************** CoreData: sql: SELECT 0,t0.Z_PK,t0.Z_OPT,t0.ZTIMESTAMP,t0.ZTITLE,t0.ZIMAGE FROM ZCATEGORY t0 CoreData: annotation: sql connection fetch time: 0.0004s CoreData: annotation: Bound intarray values. CoreData: sql: SELECT 0,t0.ZNAME,t0.ZURL FROM ZIMAGE t0 WHERE t0.Z_PK IN (SELECT * FROM _Z_intarray0) CoreData: annotation: sql connection fetch time: 0.0006s CoreData: annotation: total fetch execution time: 0.0010s for 4 rows. CoreData: annotation: Prefetching with key 'image'. Got 4 rows. CoreData: annotation: total fetch execution time: 0.0035s for 4 rows. ******************************** BACKGROUND ************************************** CoreData: sql: SELECT 0,t0.ZIMAGE FROM ZCATEGORY t0 CoreData: annotation: sql connection fetch time: 0.0003s CoreData: annotation: total fetch execution time: 0.0005s for 4 rows.
Prefetching allows Core Data to obtain related objects in a single fetch (per entity),rather than incurring subsequent access to the store for each individual record as their faults are tripped. For example,given an Employee entity with a relationship to a Department entity,if you fetch all the employees then for each print out their name and the name of the department to which they belong,it may be that a fault has to be fired for each individual Department object (for more details,see Core Data Performance in Core Data Programming Guide). This can represent a significant overhead. You could avoid this by prefetching the department relationship in the Employee fetch…