
我在一个搜索地址的应用程序中实现自动完成(每个新添加的字符一个搜索),并且我继续收到MKErrorDomain错误3,这是MKErrorLoadingThrottled.这个错误,根据 Apple dev,发生时
@H_403_3@The data was not loaded because data throttling is in effect. This
error can occur if an app makes frequent requests for data over a
short period of time.


@H_403_3@根据Apple dev

@H_403_3@There are no request limits per app or developer ID,so well-written
apps that operate correctly should experience no problems. However,
throttling may occur in a poorly written app that creates an extremely
large number of requests.

@H_403_3@和詹姆斯·霍华德said at a WWDC:

@H_403_3@And the other thing I want to talk about is the Usage Limits on this
So,I’m happy to announce that there’s no application or developer
identifier wide usage limits.
So,if you have a app that has a lot of users and you want to do a lot
of requests,that’s fine.

@H_403_3@It’ll work.

@H_403_3@And the throttling that we do have is really just a first line of
defense against buggy apps.
So,if you put directions requests or local search requests in an
infinite loop,you’ve got a bug,eventually you’re going to get

@H_403_3@But if you do something reasonable,you say oh,I’m going to just do
directions in response to user input and you know you can do a few of
those because we showed them that example.

@H_403_3@Like we did two directions request in response to one user input,
that’s fine.
But,you know if you’re doing 10,000 every time the user taps on the
screen,then you’re going to get throttled.
But,just keep it reasonable and you’ll be fine.



自动完成需要一个特殊的API. MapKit不提供这样的界面.只需开启数十个对正常搜索API的请求就会产生巨大的负担. @H_403_3@你基本上有两个选择:

@H_403_3@>使用Google商家信息.他们有一个专门的Places Autocompletion API.甚至有一个完整的图书馆为iOS在GitHub.>减少请求的数量,例如只有当用户已经暂停输入300ms并且只有没有先前的请求未完成时才发送请求.但是,这并不能保证苹果不会限制您的请求.
