ios – 与Xcode Bots持续集成

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了ios – 与Xcode Bots持续集成前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我想使用 Xcode机器人进行持续集成.我已经安装了OSX Mavericks和Server(版本3).我可以使用Xcode 5.0.1创建机器人.在集成时,它正在成功地执行分析测试,但总是最终的集成结果是失败的.

Integration Failed. Unexpected internal server error. See the integration’s logs for more details.`



  1. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:233 7e026310 +0ms] didReceiveData
  2. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:246 7e026310 +2ms] connectionDidFinishLoading
  3. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:172 7e026310 +0ms] Out of runloop; request completed
  4. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceProxy.m:79 7e026310 +0ms] Received successful response.
  5. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Info>: [CSConfig.m:55 7e026310 +0ms] Reading plist at /Library/Server/Wiki/Config/collabd.plist
  6. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [XCSBuildHelper.m:97 7e026310 +0ms] Updating bot run with GUID fc16d3af-093e-44aa-8a40-ebfef45bbbd9
  7. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [XCSBuildHelper.m:102 7e026310 +0ms] Updating bot run (fc16d3af-093e-44aa-8a40-ebfef45bbbd9): {
  8. guid = "fc16d3af-093e-44aa-8a40-ebfef45bbbd9";
  9. status = Failed;
  10. subStatus = "internal-error";
  11. }
  12. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Info>: [CSConfig.m:55 7e026310 +0ms] Reading plist at /Library/Server/Wiki/Config/collabd.plist
  13. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Info>: [CSConfig.m:55 7e026310 +0ms] Reading plist at /Library/Server/Wiki/Config/collabd.plist
  14. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Info>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:151 7e026310 +0ms] Connecting to https://localhost:4443/svc to execute [https]Request{XCBotService.updateBotRun:({
  15. guid = "fc16d3af-093e-44aa-8a40-ebfef45bbbd9";
  16. status = Failed;
  17. subStatus = "internal-error";
  18. })}
  19. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:159 7e026310 +0ms] Secure,async request
  20. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:169 7e026310 +0ms] Before runloop; request pending
  21. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:223 7e026310 +157ms] didReceiveResponse
  22. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:225 7e026310 +0ms] response=<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x7fd24a5a7980> { URL: https://localhost:4443/svc } { status code: 200,headers {
  23. "Accept-Ranges" = bytes;
  24. "Content-Length" = 3700;
  25. "Content-Type" = "x-apple/msgpack";
  26. Date = "Tue,29 Oct 2013 04:48:41 GMT";
  27. Status = 200;
  28. "X-Apple-collabd" = yes;
  29. } }
  30. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:233 7e026310 +0ms] didReceiveData
  31. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:246 7e026310 +0ms] connectionDidFinishLoading
  32. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:172 7e026310 +0ms] Out of runloop; request completed
  33. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceProxy.m:79 7e026310 +0ms] Received successful response.
  34. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [XCSBuildHelper.m:108 7e026310 +0ms] Updating bot with GUID 4e122aa2-56dd-4e3a-ad6e-25be1a65e657
  35. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [XCSBuildHelper.m:117 7e026310 +0ms] Updating bot with latest bot run GUID key
  36. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [XCSBuildHelper.m:124 7e026310 +0ms] Updating bot (4e122aa2-56dd-4e3a-ad6e-25be1a65e657): {
  37. guid = "4e122aa2-56dd-4e3a-ad6e-25be1a65e657";
  38. latestFailedBotRunGUID = "fc16d3af-093e-44aa-8a40-ebfef45bbbd9";
  39. latestRunStatus = Failed;
  40. latestRunSubStatus = "internal-error";
  41. }
  42. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Info>: [CSConfig.m:55 7e026310 +0ms] Reading plist at /Library/Server/Wiki/Config/collabd.plist
  43. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Info>: [CSConfig.m:55 7e026310 +0ms] Reading plist at /Library/Server/Wiki/Config/collabd.plist
  44. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Info>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:151 7e026310 +0ms] Connecting to https://localhost:4443/svc to execute [https]Request{XCBotService.updateBot:({
  45. guid = "4e122aa2-56dd-4e3a-ad6e-25be1a65e657";
  46. latestFailedBotRunGUID = "fc16d3af-093e-44aa-8a40-ebfef45bbbd9";
  47. latestRunStatus = Failed;
  48. latestRunSubStatus = "internal-error";
  49. })}
  50. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:159 7e026310 +0ms] Secure,async request
  51. Oct 29 10:18:41 AnilV-InetliMac.local xcsbuildd[11285] <Debug>: [CSRemoteServiceClient.m:169 7e026310 +0ms] Before runloop; request pending


问题似乎是XCode5 Bots不知道如何使用纯svn.你必须使用svn ssh.

[UPDATE]您也可以使用git …与SVN同步.工作流程略有不同,但效果很好.


它完美地集成到GIT和SVN中,您可以在Xcode Server中设置GIT存储库,并以细分升级 – 它们将保持同步. (花了我半个小时才能完全了解它的工作原理)



在/ etc / sshd_config中,需要添加一个子系统

子系统“svnserve -t”/ etc / svnserve-proxy

您需要创建文件/ etc / svnserve-proxy

  1. cat > /etc/svnserve-proxy
  2. #!/bin/bash
  3. svnserve -t -r <repository>

在本地计算机上,您必须修改文件〜/ .subversion / config并添加[隧道]行:

  1. [tunnels]
  2. ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -v -l <username> -s

解决方案是快速和脏的,不允许不同的用户进行身份验证.此外,Xcode需要在本地机器和Bot-Server上使用相同的用户名.很可能您必须创建一个_teamsuser主目录,并在其中放置一个subversion / config.


  1. command="svnserve -t -r <repository> --tunnel-user=<user>" rsa-ssh AAA
