ios – 如何在iphone中生成推送通知的pem文件?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了ios – 如何在iphone中生成推送通知的pem文件?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
使用这个 link生成pem文件进行推送通知,但是我不明白以下步骤…
@H_502_3@Installing the SSL Certificate and Key on the Server

@H_502_3@You should install the SSL distribution certificate and private
cryptographic key you obtained earlier on the server computer on which
the provider code runs and from which it connects with the sandBox or
production versions of APNs. To do so,complete the following steps:

  1. @H_502_3@Open Keychain Access utility and click the My Certificates category in the left pane.

  2. @H_502_3@Find the certificate you want to install and disclose its contents.
    You’ll see both a certificate and a private key.

  3. @H_502_3@Select both the certificate and key,choose File > Export Items,and export them as a Personal Information Exchange (.p12) file.

  4. @H_502_3@Servers implemented in languages such as Ruby and Perl often are better able to deal with certificates in the Personal Information
    Exchange format. To convert the certificate to this format,complete
    the following steps:

    • @H_502_3@In KeyChain Access,select the certificate and choose File > Export Items. Select the Personal Information Exchange (.p12) option,
      select a save location,and click Save.

    • @H_502_3@Launch the Terminal application and enter the following command after the prompt: openssl pkcs12 -in CertificateName.p12 -out
      CertificateName.pem -nodes.

  5. @H_502_3@Copy the .pem certificate to the new computer and install it in the appropriate place.


终于我喜欢生成推送通知证书 @H_502_3@生成推送通知书的完整步骤…..





@H_502_3@5)make name project_name_key.p12












openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -out apns-dev-cert.pem -in push_cert.p12


openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -out apns-dev-key.pem -in project_name_key.p12
验证 – 输入PEM密码:1234


openssl rsa -in apns-dev-key.pem -out apns-dev-key-noenc.pem

cat apns-dev-cert.pem apns-dev-key-noenc.pem > apns-dev.pem


