
我对CoreAudio AudioSession框架有几个与几个蓝牙任务相关的问题,我希望有人可以帮助我解决这些问题,或者至少可以确认我的最新发现. usecase是一个导航应用程序,希望连接支持蓝牙的无线电,支持HFP和A2DP.我已经阅读了整个AudioSession编程指南,但我还有一些未解决的问题,特别是通过蓝牙使用音频输出.





1.Bluetooth HFP audio output (kAudioSessionOutputRoute_BluetoothHFP) is only possible in case of AudioSession kAudioSessionCategory_PlayAndRecord is set and you are overriding the following property: kAudioSessionProperty_OverrideCategoryEnableBluetoothInput. Is this true? If not,how I can route as an example with the MediaPlayback session to kAudioSessionOutputRoute_BluetoothHFP route.

如果您连接了蓝牙耳机,那么确实如此.您将需要kAudioSessionCategory_PlayAndRecord音频会话集和kAudioSessionProperty_OverrideCategoryEnableBluetoothInput设置,以便从蓝牙耳机中播放音频. EnableBluetoothInput根据this影响输入和输出.另外请记住,由于蓝牙输入设备的限制,音频将以8000 Hz的频率播放.对于支持A2DP的已连接设备,您可以将其保留在音频会话kAudioSessionCategoryMediaPlayback中,它将以44100 Hz采样率播放.

2.Audio output in background mode is not possible with the category kAudioSessionCategory_PlayAndRecord. Therefore I can not play sound through an bluetooth HFP route if I am in background. Is this true? Is there a way how to send audio through the Bluetooth HFP protocol if app is in the background?


3.If there is an A2DP enabled device available my audio route will always switch automatically to the kAudioSessionOutputRoute_BluetoothA2DP route. How can I prevent this route change? In addition how can I specify the output route I wanna have at the moment. With iOS5 it is possible to query all those route destination through the kAudioSessionProperty_AudioRouteDescription flag,but I have no idea how I can set it as I wanna have it. Is it somehow possible to achieve this?


