在/ var /移动/库/下载/
如果您通过iTunes转移购买,没有ipa文件被复制到iPhone上,它们将以“Application.app”**的形式安装到** / Applications /或/ var / mobile / Library / Applications中.
另外,Mac OS中的.ipa文件位置
1- Launch iTunes
2- Under Library menu,click on [Apps] menu.
3- The iTunes will display all installed app
4- Right-click on one of those apps
5- Then click “Show in Finder” option
Alternative way to do that is,by simply open the directory of .ipa files stored by using this path:
User/Music/iTunes/Mobile Applications
在/ var /移动/库/下载/
如果您通过iTunes转移购买,没有ipa文件被复制到iPhone上,它们将以“Application.app”**的形式安装到** / Applications /或/ var / mobile / Library / Applications中.
另外,Mac OS中的.ipa文件位置
1- Launch iTunes 2- Under Library menu,click on [Apps] menu. 3- The iTunes will display all installed app 4- Right-click on one of those apps 5- Then click “Show in Finder” option Alternative way to do that is,by simply open the directory of .ipa files stored by using this path: User/Music/iTunes/Mobile Applications