检测HTML 5语法的浏览器兼容性的最佳方式是什么?并提示用户浏览器是否不兼容?
我明白了the tutorial which shows how to test browser compatibility for HTML5.但是我很好奇,知道这是唯一的办法吗?我需要检查每一个元素吗?
Taking advantage of the new capabilities of HTML5 and CSS3 can mean
sacrificing control over the experience in older browsers. Modernizr 2
is your starting point for making the best websites and applications
that work exactly right no matter what browser or device your visitors
Thanks to the new Media Query tests and built-in YepNope.js
micro-library as Modernizr.load(),you can now combine feature
detection with media queries and conditional resource loading. That
gives you the power and flexibility to optimize for every
Taking advantage of the new capabilities of HTML5 and CSS3 can mean
sacrificing control over the experience in older browsers. Modernizr 2
is your starting point for making the best websites and applications
that work exactly right no matter what browser or device your visitors
use.Thanks to the new Media Query tests and built-in YepNope.js
micro-library as Modernizr.load(),you can now combine feature
detection with media queries and conditional resource loading. That
gives you the power and flexibility to optimize for every