我正在为我的应用程序使用WebKit Notifications.假如我使用此代码:
var n = window.webkitNotifications.createNotification( 'icon.png','New Comment','Praveen commented on your post!' ); n.onclick = function(x) { window.focus(); this.cancel(); }; n.show();
PS 1:前五行实际上是一行.为了便于阅读,我已经发布了这种方式.
PS 2:有关完整代码,请参阅:Unable to show Desktop Notifications using Google Chrome.
假设当我的应用程序上出现新评论时,这会被解雇.如果我打开多个标签怎么办?这会产生很多通知吗?说,我打开了10到15个标签,我收到了两个通知.将生成多少通知,20 – 30?
on the MDN docs site
on the MDN docs site
<button>Notify me!</button>
window.addEventListener('load',function () { // At first,let's check if we have permission for notification // If not,let's ask for it if (Notification && Notification.permission !== "granted") { Notification.requestPermission(function (status) { if (Notification.permission !== status) { Notification.permission = status; } }); } var button = document.getElementsByTagName('button')[0]; button.addEventListener('click',function () { // If the user agreed to get notified // Let's try to send ten notifications if (Notification && Notification.permission === "granted") { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // Thanks to the tag,we should only see the "Hi! 9" notification var n = new Notification("Hi! " + i,{tag: 'soManyNotification'}); } } // If the user hasn't told if he wants to be notified or not // Note: because of Chrome,we are not sure the permission property // is set,therefore it's unsafe to check for the "default" value. else if (Notification && Notification.permission !== "denied") { Notification.requestPermission(function (status) { if (Notification.permission !== status) { Notification.permission = status; } // If the user said okay if (status === "granted") { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // Thanks to the tag,we should only see the "Hi! 9" notification var n = new Notification("Hi! " + i,{tag: 'soManyNotification'}); } } // Otherwise,we can fallback to a regular modal alert else { alert("Hi!"); } }); } // If the user refuses to get notified else { // We can fallback to a regular modal alert alert("Hi!"); } }); });