class Project extends AbstractType { public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder,array $options) { $builder->add('name'); $builder->add('description','textarea'); $builder->add('iconFile','file',array('label' => 'Icon','required' => false)); } // ... }
/** * If isDirty && iconFile is null: deletes old icon (if any). * Else,replace/upload icon * * @ORM\PrePersist * @ORM\PreUpdate */ public function updateIcon() { $oldIcon = $this->iconUrl; if ($this->isDirty && $this->iconFile == null) { if (!empty($oldIcon) && file_exists(APP_ROOT . '/uploads/' . $oldIcon)) unlink($oldIcon); } else { // exit if not dirty | not valid if (!$this->isDirty || !$this->iconFile->isValid()) return; // guess the extension $ext = $this->iconFile->guessExtension(); if (!$ext) $ext = 'png'; // upload the icon (new name will be "proj_{id}_{time}.{ext}") $newIcon = sprintf('proj_%d_%d.%s',$this->id,time(),$ext); $this->iconFile->move(APP_ROOT . '/uploads/',$newIcon); // set icon with path to icon (relative to app root) $this->iconUrl = $newIcon; // delete the old file if any if (file_exists(APP_ROOT . '/uploads/' . $oldIcon) && is_file(APP_ROOT . '/uploads/' . $oldIcon)) unlink($oldIcon); // cleanup unset($this->iconFile); $this->isDirty = false; } }