Go语言学习笔记 - 简介

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了Go语言学习笔记 - 简介前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


有想学习Go语言的朋友可以跟我交流,大家一起学习进步。Go语言的书籍有《The Way To Go》、《Programming in Go》。
The Way To Go 电子书下载地址:http://download.csdn.net/download/kukucckku/4394839

我简单的了解一下Go,就被它的魅力所深深的吸引了。我为什么要学一个新语言,这个对自己来说是个好问题,《The Way To Go》第1.2.2章节已经有很好的解释了。

1.2.2 Why a new language?
- C/C++ did not evolve with the computing landscape,no major systems language has emergedin over a decade: so there isadefinite need for a new systems language,appropriate for needsof our computing era.
- In contrast to computing power,software development is not considerably faster or moresuccessful (considering the numberof Failed projects) and applications still grow in size,so anew low-level language,but equipped with higher concepts,is needed.
- Before Go a developer had to choose between fast execution but slow and not efficient building(like C++),efficientcompilation (but not so fast execution,like .NET or Java),or ease ofprogramming (but slower execution,like the dynamiclanguages): Go is an attempt to combineall three wishes: efficient and thus fast compilation,fast execution,ease ofprogramming.
其实最后一句话Go is an attempt to combineall three wishes: efficient and thus fast compilation,ease ofprogramming. 的三个理由足够了,这将是我学习笔记的一第篇,加油。
