在网络编程中network packet transfer,经常要定义固定的字节长度,如下面的f1:
package main import "fmt" type T1 struct { f1 [5]byte // I use fixed size here for file format or network packet format. f2 int32 } func main() { t := T1{"abcde", 3} // t:= T1{[5]byte{'a','b','c','d','e'},3} // work,but ugly fmt.Println(t) }
prog.go:8: cannot use "abcde" (type string) as type [5]uint8 in field value
if I change the line tot := T1{[5]byte("abcde"),3}
prog.go:8: cannot convert "abcde" (type string) to type [5]uint8
直接用copy(t.f1, "abcde")也是不行的。。因为copy的第一个参数必须是slice,
byte f2 int } func main() { t := T1{f2: 3} copy(t.f1[:], "abcde") fmt. 方案2:遍历赋值,不太优美:)the end.
vararr [20]byte str := "abc" for k, v := range []byte(str) { arr[k] = byte(v) }