Golang(14)Error Handle Debugging Logging
1. Error Handle
func Open(name string) (file *File,err error)
It will return the err if we open file fail.
f,err := os.Open(“filename.ext”)
if err != nil {
Error Type
type error interface {
Error() string
There is one method in the interface error.
implementation of error interface
type errorString struct {
s string
func (e *errorString) Error() string {
return e.s
fund New(text string) error {
return &errorString{text}
We can use New to create one error instance.
For example>
func Sqrt(f float64) (float64,error) {
if f < 0 {
return 0,errors.New(“math: square root of negative number”)
Customer Error Type
type SyntaxError struct {
msg string
Offset int64
func (e *SyntaxError) Error() string { return e.msg }
Error Handle
We can deal the error in our router like this>
func viewRecord(w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request) {
if err := datastore.Get(c,key,record); err != nil {
if err := viewTemplate.Execute(w,500)
It works,but we need to put these error handle codes there again and again.
type appHandler func(http.ResponseWriter,*http.Request) error
func (fn appHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request) {
if err := fn(w,r); err != nil {
func init() {
Then our viewRecord function can be like this.
func viewRecord(w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request) error {
if err := datastore.Get(c,record); err != nil {
return err
return viewTemplate.Execute(w,record)
We can define the Error Type ourselves.
type appError struct {
Error error
Message string
Code int
type appHandler func(http.ResponseWriter,*http.Request) *appError
func (fn appHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request) {
if e := fn(w,r); e != nil {
If we use our customized Error Type,we can change the viewRecord like this.
func viewRecord(w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request) *appError {
if err := datastore.Get(c,record); err != nil {
return &appError{err,“record not found”,404 }
if err := viewTemplate.Execute(w,“Can not display record”,500}
return nil
2. Use GDB Debugging
3. Writing the Test
4. Try seelog
Install the module
>go get -u github.com/cihub/seelog
The Simplest Example works
package main
import log "github.com/cihub/seelog"
func main() {
defer log.Flush()
log.Info("Hello from Seelog!")
Create the module logs
I create the directory and file logs/LogCustom.go with codes
package logs
import (
seelog "github.com/cihub/seelog"
var Logger seelog.LoggerInterface
func loadAppConfig() {
logger,err := seelog.LoggerFromConfigAsFile("/Users/carl/work/easy/easygo/src/com/sillycat/easygoapp/seelog.xml")
if err != nil {
func init() {
// DisableLog disables all library log output
func DisableLog() {
Logger = seelog.Disabled
// UseLogger uses a specified seelog.LoggerInterface to output library log.
// Use this func if you are using Seelog logging system in your app.
func UseLogger(newLogger seelog.LoggerInterface) {
Logger = newLogger
My logsee.xml will be as follow,we can change more configure based the doc from seelog
<seelog type="adaptive" mininterval="2000000" maxinterval="100000000" critmsgcount="500" minlevel="debug">
<exception filepattern="test*" minlevel="error"/>
<outputs formatid="all">
<file path="all.log"/>
<filter levels="info">
<console formatid="fmtinfo"/>
<filter levels="error,critical" formatid="fmterror">
<file path="errors.log"/>
<format id="fmtinfo" format="[%Level] [%Time] %Msg%n"/>
<format id="fmterror" format="[%LEVEL] [%Time] [%FuncShort @ %File.%Line] %Msg%n"/>
<format id="all" format="[%Level] [%Time] [@ %File.%Line] %Msg%n"/>
<format id="criticalemail" format="Critical error on our server!\n %Time %Date %RelFile %Func %Msg \nSent by Seelog"/>
Then we build the customized module like this
>go build src/com/sillycat/easygoapp/logs/LogCustom.go
Then I can use it like this>
package main
import (
func main() {
addr := "locahost"
logs.Logger.Info("Start server at:",addr)
err := "Fail to start the server."
logs.Logger.Critical("Server err:",err)
This is the right way how we can manage our modules and codes in our own projects.