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package recaptcha

import (

// R type represents an object of Recaptcha and has public property Secret,
// which is secret obtained from google recaptcha tool admin interface
type R struct {
    Secret    string
    lastError []string

// Struct for parsing json in google's response
type googleResponse struct {
    Success    bool
    ErrorCodes []string `json:"error-codes"`

// url to post submitted re-captcha response to
var postURL = "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify"

// Verify method,verifies if current request have valid re-captcha response and returns true or false
// This method also records any errors in validation.
// These errors can be received by calling LastError() method.
func (r *R) Verify(req http.Request) bool {
    response := req.FormValue("g-recaptcha-response")
    return r.VerifyResponse(response)

// VerifyResponse is a method similar to `Verify`; but doesn't parse the form for you. Useful if
// you're receiving the data as a JSON object from a javascript app or similar.
func (r *R) VerifyResponse(response string) bool {
    r.lastError = make([]string, 1)
    client := &http.Client{Timeout: 20 * time.Second}
    resp,err := client.PostForm(postURL,url.Values{"secret": {r.Secret},"response": {response}})
    if err != nil {
        r.lastError = append(r.lastError,err.Error())
        return false
    defer resp.Body.Close()
    body,err := IoUtil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    if err != nil {
        r.lastError = append(r.lastError,err.Error())
        return false
    gr := new(googleResponse)
    err = json.Unmarshal(body,gr)
    if err != nil {
        r.lastError = append(r.lastError,err.Error())
        return false
    if !gr.Success {
        r.lastError = append(r.lastError,gr.ErrorCodes...)
    return gr.Success

// LastError returns errors occurred in last re-captcha validation attempt
func (r R) LastError() []string {
    return r.lastError


package main

import (


func main() {
    sitekey := "6LfiVjcUAAAAAJyjCEGVyTpmFqlpOMGVIZpZPy6p"
    re := recaptcha.R{
        Secret: "6LfiVjcUAAAAAJ7wALWYNew2yx0qbT0WxRR-kYu9",}

    form := fmt.Sprintf(` <html> <head> <script src='https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js'></script> </head> <body> <form action="/submit" method="post"> <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="%s"></div> <input type="submit"> </form> </body> </html> `,sitekey)

    http.HandleFunc("/",func(w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request) {
    http.HandleFunc("/submit",r *http.Request) {
        isValid := re.Verify(*r)
        if isValid {
        } else {
            fmt.Fprintf(w,"Invalid! These errors ocurred: %v",re.LastError())

    log.Printf("\n Starting server on http://localhost:8080 .")

    err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080",nil)

    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Could not start server. %s",err)




Star: 619


go get github.com/dchest/captcha


const (
    // Default number of digits in captcha solution.
    DefaultLen = 6
    // The number of captchas created that triggers garbage collection used
    // by default store.
    CollectNum = 100
    // Expiration time of captchas used by default store.
    Expiration = 10 * time.Minute

    // Standard width and height of a captcha image.
    StdWidth  = 240
    StdHeight = 80


func New

func New() string

New creates a new captcha with the standard length,saves it in the internal storage and returns its id.
func NewLen

func NewLen(length int) (id string)

NewLen is just like New,but accepts length of a captcha solution as the argument.

func RandomDigits

func RandomDigits(length int) []byte

RandomDigits returns a byte slice of the given length containing pseudorandom numbers in range 0-9. The slice can be used as a captcha solution.

func Reload

func Reload(id string) bool

Reload generates and remembers new digits for the given captcha id. This function returns false if there is no captcha with the given id.

func Server

func Server(imgWidth,imgHeight int) http.Handler

Server returns a handler that serves HTTP requests with image or audio representations of captchas. Image dimensions are accepted as arguments. The server decides which captcha to serve based on the last URL path component: file name part must contain a captcha id,file extension — its format (PNG or WAV).

func SetCustomStore

func SetCustomStore(s Store)

SetCustomStore sets custom storage for captchas,replacing the default memory store. This function must be called before generating any captchas.

func Verify

func Verify(id string,digits []byte) bool

Verify returns true if the given digits are the ones that were used to create the given captcha id.

The function deletes the captcha with the given id from the internal storage,so that the same captcha can’t be verified anymore.

func VerifyString

func VerifyString(id string,digits string) bool

VerifyString is like Verify,but accepts a string of digits. It removes spaces and commas from the string,but any other characters,apart from digits and listed above,will cause the function to return false.


// Copyright 2011 Dmitry Chestnykh. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// example of HTTP server that uses the captcha package.
package main

import (


var formTemplate = template.Must(template.New("example").Parse(formTemplateSrc))

func showFormHandler(w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request) {
    if r.URL.Path != "/" {
    d := struct {
        CaptchaId string
    if err := formTemplate.Execute(w,&d); err != nil {

func processFormHandler(w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request) {
    w.Header().Set("Content-Type","text/html; charset=utf-8")
    if !captcha.VerifyString(r.FormValue("captchaId"),r.FormValue("captchaSolution")) {
        io.WriteString(w,"Wrong captcha solution! No robots allowed!\n")
    } else {
        io.WriteString(w,"Great job,human! You solved the captcha.\n")
    io.WriteString(w,"<br><a href='/'>Try another one</a>")

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Server is at localhost:8080")
    if err := http.ListenAndServe("localhost:8080",nil); err != nil {

const formTemplateSrc = `<!doctype html> <head><title>Captcha Example</title></head> <body> <script> function setSrcQuery(e,q) { var src = e.src; var p = src.indexOf('?'); if (p >= 0) { src = src.substr(0,p); } e.src = src + "?" + q } function playAudio() { var le = document.getElementById("lang"); var lang = le.options[le.selectedIndex].value; var e = document.getElementById('audio') setSrcQuery(e,"lang=" + lang) e.style.display = 'block'; e.autoplay = 'true'; return false; } function changeLang() { var e = document.getElementById('audio') if (e.style.display == 'block') { playAudio(); } } function reload() { setSrcQuery(document.getElementById('image'),"reload=" + (new Date()).getTime()); setSrcQuery(document.getElementById('audio'),(new Date()).getTime()); return false; } </script> <select id="lang" onchange="changeLang()"> <option value="en">English</option> <option value="ja">Japanese</option> <option value="ru">Russian</option> <option value="zh">Chinese</option> </select> <form action="/process" method=post> <p>Type the numbers you see in the picture below:</p> <p><img id=image src="/captcha/{{.CaptchaId}}.png" alt="Captcha image"></p> <a href="#" onclick="reload()">Reload</a> | <a href="#" onclick="playAudio()">Play Audio</a> <audio id=audio controls style="display:none" src="/captcha/{{.CaptchaId}}.wav" preload=none> You browser doesn't support audio. <a href="/captcha/download/{{.CaptchaId}}.wav">Download file</a> to play it in the external player. </audio> <input type=hidden name=captchaId value="{{.CaptchaId}}"><br> <input name=captchaSolution> <input type=submit value=Submit> </form> `
