line string: 2345 line another string: 3456
1. line string: 2345 2. 2345 3. 2345
现在仍然要将这样的字符串转换为整数并将其添加到最终集合中.由于你在文件样本中显示了一个空行,并且由于你没有说过这种格式是否总是被修复,所以让我们以安全的方式转换这个字符串. Inno Setup为这个安全转换提供了一个功能,即StrToIntDef
[Code] type TIntegerArray = array of Integer; procedure ExtractIntegers(Strings: TStrings; out Integers: TIntegerArray); var S: string; I: Integer; Value: Integer; begin for I := 0 to Strings.Count - 1 do begin // trim the string copied from a substring after the ":" char S := Trim(Copy(Strings[I],Pos(':',Strings[I]) + 1,MaxInt)); // try to convert the value from the prevIoUs step to integer; // if such conversion fails,because the string is not a valid // integer,it returns -1 which is treated as unexpected value // in the input file Value := StrToIntDef(S,-1); // so,if a converted value is different from unexpected value,// add the value to the output array if Value <> -1 then begin SetArrayLength(Integers,GetArrayLength(Integers) + 1); Integers[GetArrayLength(Integers) - 1] := Value; end; end; end; procedure InitializeWizard; var I: Integer; Strings: TStringList; Integers: TIntegerArray; begin Strings := TStringList.Create; try Strings.LoadFromFile('C:\File.txt'); ExtractIntegers(Strings,Integers); for I := 0 to GetArrayLength(Integers) - 1 do MsgBox(IntToStr(Integers[I]),mbInformation,MB_OK); finally Strings.Free; end; end;