现在我的应用程序在OSX上运行,我遇到了一些麻烦 – 我不知道如何在发生异常时获得正确的堆栈跟踪.
我已经掌握了基础知识 –
我留下的问题是 – 我不知道从哪里调用backtrace.我知道Delphi使用Mach异常(在一个单独的线程上),并且我不能使用posix信号,但这就是我设法解决的问题.
我可以在’try … except’块中获得回溯,但不幸的是,到那时堆栈已经缩小了.
根据’Honza R的建议,我看了一下’GetExceptionStackInfoProc’程序.
首先 – 在桌面平台上,此函数’GetExceptionStackInfoProc’只是一个函数指针,您可以使用自己的异常信息处理程序进行分配.因此开箱即用,Delphi不提供任何堆栈信息提供程序.
更多细节.要澄清一件事 – 这个问题是由MACH消息处理的异常,而不是完全在RTL中处理的软件异常.
System.Internal.MachExceptions.pas -> catch_exception_raise_state_identity { Now we set up the thread state for the faulting thread so that when we return,control will be passed to the exception dispatcher on that thread,and this POSIX thread will continue watching for Mach exception messages. See the documentation at <code>DispatchMachException()</code> for more detail on the parameters loaded in EAX,EDX,and ECX. } System.Internal.ExcUtils.pas -> SignalConverter { Here's the tricky part. We arrived here directly by virtue of our signal handler tweaking the execution context with our address. That means there's no return address on the stack. The unwinder needs to have a return address so that it can unwind past this function when we raise the Delphi exception. We will use the faulting instruction pointer as a fake return address. Because of the fencepost conditions in the Delphi unwinder,we need to have an address that is strictly greater than the actual faulting instruction,so we increment that address by one. This may be in the middle of an instruction,but we don't care,because we will never be returning to that address. Finally,the way that we get this address onto the stack is important. The compiler will generate unwind information for SignalConverter that will attempt to undo any stack modifications that are made by this function when unwinding past it. In this particular case,we don't want that to happen,so we use some assembly language tricks to get around the compiler noticing the stack modification. }
当我在这个异常系统将控制权移交给RTL之后进行堆栈跟踪时,它看起来像这样 – (请记住,堆栈退绕已经被回溯例程取代.一旦回滚,回溯将把控制交给回卷器.完成)
0: MyExceptionBacktracer 1: initunwinder in System.pas 2: RaiseSignalException in System.Internal.ExcUtils.pas
unit MyExceptionHandler; interface implementation uses SysUtils; var PrevRaiseException: function(Exc: Pointer): LongBool; cdecl; function backtrace2(base : NativeUInt; buffer : PPointer; size : Integer) : Integer; var SPMin : NativeUInt; begin SPMin:=base; Result:=0; while (size > 0) and (base >= SPMin) and (base <> 0) do begin buffer^:=PPointer(base + 4)^; base:=PNativeInt(base)^; //uncomment to test stacktrace //WriteLn(inttohex(NativeUInt(buffer^),8)); Inc(Result); Inc(buffer); Dec(size); end; if (size > 0) then buffer^:=nil; end; procedure UnInstallExceptionHandler; forward; var InRaiseException: Boolean; function RaiseException(Exc: Pointer): LongBool; cdecl; var b : NativeUInt; c : Integer; buff : array[0..7] of Pointer; begin InRaiseException := True; asm mov b,ebp end; c:=backtrace2(b - $4 {this is the compiler dependent value},@buff,Length(buff)); //... do whatever you want to do with the stacktrace Result := PrevRaiseException(Exc); InRaiseException := False; end; procedure InstallExceptionHandler; var U: TUnwinder; begin GetUnwinder(U); Assert(Assigned(U.RaiseException)); PrevRaiseException := U.RaiseException; U.RaiseException := RaiseException; SetUnwinder(U); end; procedure UnInstallExceptionHandler; var U: TUnwinder; begin GetUnwinder(U); U.RaiseException := PrevRaiseException; SetUnwinder(U); end; initialization InstallExceptionHandler; end.
要在Mac OS X上正确执行此操作,不能使用libc回溯函数,因为Delphi将在从Exception.RaisingException调用GetExceptionStackInfoProc时损坏堆栈帧.必须使用自己的实现,该实现能够从不同的基址转移栈,可以手动校正.
你的GetExceptionStackInfoProc看起来像这样(我在这个例子中使用了XE5,根据你使用的编译器,这个例子只在Mac OS X上测试过,因此添加到EBP的值可能会有所不同,Windows实现可能会也可能不会有所不同):
var b : NativeUInt; c : Integer; buff : array[0..7] of Pointer; begin asm mov b,ebp end; c:=backtrace2(b - $14 {this is the compiler dependent value},Length(buff)); //... do whatever you want to do with the stacktrace end;
function backtrace2(base : NativeUInt; buffer : PPointer; size : Integer) : Integer; var SPMin : NativeUInt; begin SPMin:=base; Result:=0; while (size > 0) and (base >= SPMin) and (base <> 0) do begin buffer^:=PPointer(base + 4)^; base:=PNativeInt(base)^; Inc(Result); Inc(buffer); Dec(size); end; if (size > 0) then buffer^:=nil; end;