使用命名管道,但我会推荐Russell Libby的命名管道组件。有一个TPipeClient和TPipeServer组件。
截至(2013-10-04)Francoise Piette and arno.garrels@gmx.de updated this source code使用Delphi 7编译为XE5(早期版本可能会编译,但未经测试),并将其放在这里:
His website is here.寻找“Pipes.zip”。来源的描述是://说明:为Delphi设置客户端和服务器命名的管道组件,以及//控制台管道重定向组件。
program CmdClient; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses Windows,Messages,SysUtils,Pipes; type TPipeEventHandler = class(TObject) public procedure OnPipeSent(Sender: TObject; Pipe: HPIPE; Size: DWORD); end; procedure TPipeEventHandler.OnPipeSent(Sender: TObject; Pipe: HPIPE; Size: DWORD); begin WriteLn('On Pipe Sent has executed!'); end; var lpMsg: TMsg; WideChars: Array [0..255] of WideChar; myString: String; iLength: Integer; pcHandler: TPipeClient; peHandler: TPipeEventHandler; begin // Create message queue for application PeekMessage(lpMsg,WM_USER,PM_NOREMOVE); // Create client pipe handler pcHandler:=TPipeClient.CreateUnowned; // Resource protection try // Create event handler peHandler:=TPipeEventHandler.Create; // Resource protection try // Setup clien pipe pcHandler.PipeName:='myNamedPipe'; pcHandler.ServerName:='.'; pcHandler.OnPipeSent:=peHandler.OnPipeSent; // Resource protection try // Connect if pcHandler.Connect(5000) then begin // Dispatch messages for pipe client while PeekMessage(lpMsg,PM_REMOVE) do DispatchMessage(lpMsg); // Setup for send myString:='the message I am sending'; iLength:=Length(myString) + 1; StringToWideChar(myString,wideChars,iLength); // Send pipe message if pcHandler.Write(wideChars,iLength * 2) then begin // Flush the pipe buffers pcHandler.FlushPipeBuffers; // Get the message if GetMessage(lpMsg,pcHandler.WindowHandle,0) then DispatchMessage(lpMsg); end; end else // Failed to connect WriteLn('Failed to connect to ',pcHandler.PipeName); finally // Show complete Write('Complete...'); // Delay ReadLn; end; finally // Disconnect event handler pcHandler.OnPipeSent:=nil; // Free event handler peHandler.Free; end; finally // Free pipe client pcHandler.Free; end; end.