Delphi XE4不变字符串

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了Delphi XE4不变字符串前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
使用Delphi XE4 for iOS平台,引入了一种新的字符串类型:不变的基于零的字符串。到目前为止,Delphi已经写入了可变字符串。所以问题是,这对我未来的编程意味着什么?一个字符串类型有其他优点吗?当切换到新的字符串类型(除了明显的0对1基数之外)需要处理什么陷阱?


根据 Marco Cantù’s whitepaper,XE4 iOS目标中的字符串数据类型实际上是不可变的,尽管他似乎与自己矛盾。 @H_404_6@他说:

@H_404_6@In the new Delphi LLVM-based compiler,there is one string type,representing Unicode strings (UTF16),and mapped to the current string type in Delphi XE3 (an alias for the UnicodeString type on the Windows compiler). However,this new string type uses a different memory management model. The string type is still reference counted,but it is immutable,which means you cannot modify the string contents once it is constructed.


@H_404_6@In other words strings are now Unicode-based,soon-to-become immutable,and reference-counted.


@H_404_6@Where things start to change,however,is when you modify an existing
string,not by replacing it with a new value (in which case you get a
brand new string) but when you modify one of its elements,as shown in
this line of code (and also in the prevIoUs section,where I
introduced the topic):


@H_404_6@All Delphi compilers use a copy-on-write semantics: If the string you
modify has more than one reference,it is first copied (adjusting the
reference counts of the varIoUs strings involved as required) and
later modified.

@H_404_6@The new compiler does something very similar to the classic one. It
implements a copy-on-write mechanism,unless there is a single
reference to the string,in which case the string gets modified in
place. As an example,consider the following code,which outputs the
in-memory location of the actual string.


@H_404_6@而在official documentation,我们有:

@H_404_6@Strings are immutable (constant),so you cannot index into a string as
an array and manipulate the characters in a string. If you attempt to
modify a string,the Delphi mobile compilers might emit the message
W1068 Modifying strings in place may not be supported in the future
(Delphi). You can specify whether the message x1068 is emitted as a
warning or an error. In the Hints and Warnings page,set the warning
“Modifying strings in-place….” to “true” or “error”.






@H_404_6@我不认为有什么很大的陷阱。您可以使用{$ WARN IMMUTABLE_STRINGS …}让编译器引导您完成该过程。任何转换字符串的代码都应该转换为使用TStringBuilder。

@H_404_6@至于不变性的好处,我把你转给Why .NET String is immutable?

@H_404_6@如果您使用的是传统的Windows或OSX编译器,那么我看不到有任何令人信服的理由进行更改。 iOS编译器是全新的。对不可变字符串的更改已经浮动,但可能永远不会发生。它可能只发生在移动编译器上,从来没有传统的编译器。现在,我会坐得很紧,等待看看这一切如何发挥。
