我正在尝试通过蓝牙与Sewoo LK-P32打印机进行通信.为此我使用的是Delphi XE7.我做了几个德尔福来的例子,没有成功.我将配对的打印机放在平板电脑中,即使我不能连续打印.
procedure TForm2.ButtonClickStart(Sender: TObject); var Msg,Texto: string; I,B: Integer; BluetoothAdapter: TBluetoothAdapter; ListaDeAparelhosPareados: TBluetoothDeviceList; LServices: TBluetoothServiceList; begin try Memo1.Lines.Add('Ponto 1'); FBluetoothManager := TBluetoothManager.Current; if FBluetoothManager = nil then Memo1.Lines.Add('FBluetoothManager esta nulo'); Memo1.Lines.Add('Ponto 2'); BluetoothAdapter := FBluetoothManager.CurrentAdapter; if BluetoothAdapter = nil then Memo1.Lines.Add('BluetoothAdapter esta nulo'); ListaDeAparelhosPareados := BluetoothAdapter.PairedDevices; Memo1.Lines.Add('Ponto 3'); if ListaDeAparelhosPareados = nil then Memo1.Lines.Add('ListaDeAparelhosPareados esta nulo'); for I := 0 to ListaDeAparelhosPareados.Count - 1 do begin LDevice := ListaDeAparelhosPareados[I] as TBluetoothDevice; if LDevice.IsPaired then begin LServices := LDevice.GetServices; for B := 0 to LServices.Count - 1 do begin ServiceGUI := GUIDToString(LServices[B].UUID); Guid := LServices[B].UUID; ServiceName := LServices[B].Name; Memo1.Lines.Add(LServices[B].Name + ' --> ' + ServiceGUI); Memo1.GoToTextEnd; end; end; end; except on E: Exception do begin Msg := E.Message; Memo1.Lines.Add('Erro ao Conectar na Impressora: ' + Msg); Memo1.GoToTextEnd; end; end; end;
procedure TForm2.ButtonClickSendText(Sender: TObject); var FSocket: TBluetoothSocket; ToSend: TBytes; Msg,Texto: String; begin try Memo1.Lines.Add('Aparelho pareado:' + BoolToStr(LDevice.IsPaired)); Memo1.Lines.Add('Dados do Guid:' + GUIDToString(Guid)); FSocket := LDevice.CreateClientSocket(Guid,true); if FSocket = nil then Memo1.Lines.Add('FSocket nulo'); Memo1.Lines.Add('CrIoU Bluetooth Cliente.'); Memo1.GoToTextEnd; if FSocket <> nil then begin // FSocket.Connect; FSocket.Connect; Memo1.Lines.Add('CrIoU socket cliente com o ServerSocket'); Texto := #27 + '|cA' + 'Teste' + #13#10; ToSend := TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Texto); FSocket.SendData(ToSend); Memo1.Lines.Add('EnvIoU ' + Texto + ' para a impressora.'); end else begin Memo1.Lines.Add('FSocket nulo.'); end; except on E: Exception do begin Msg := E.Message; Memo1.Lines.Add('Erro ao Conectar na Impressora: ' + Msg); Memo1.GoToTextEnd; end; end; end;