procedure TForm2.IdTCPServer1Execute(AContext: TIdContext); var aByte: Byte; begin AContext.Connection.IOHandler.Writeln('Write anything,but A to exit'); repeat aByte := AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadByte; AContext.Connection.IOHandler.Write(aByte); until aByte = 65; AContext.Connection.IOHandler.Writeln('Good Bye'); AContext.Connection.Disconnect; end;
该服务器以欢迎消息开始,然后只读取每个字节的连接字节.服务器回复相同的字节,直到收到的字节为65(断开命令)65 = 0x41或$41.然后服务器以一个好的再见消息结束.
procedure TForm3.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var AByte: Byte; begin IdTCPClient1.Connect; Memo1.Lines.Add(IdTCPClient1.IOHandler.ReadLn); //we know there must be a welcome message! Memo1.Lines.Add('');// a new line to write in! AByte := 0; while (IdTCPClient1.Connected) and (AByte <> 65) do begin AByte := NextByte; IdTCPClient1.IOHandler.Write(AByte); AByte := IdTCPClient1.IOHandler.ReadByte; Memo1.Lines[Memo1.Lines.Count - 1] := Memo1.Lines[Memo1.Lines.Count - 1] + Chr(AByte); end; Memo1.Lines.Add(IdTCPClient1.IOHandler.ReadLn); //we know there must be a goodbye message! IdTCPClient1.Disconnect; end;
procedure TForm3.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin FCharBuffer := FCharBuffer + Key; end; function TForm3.NextByte: Byte; begin Application.ProcessMessages; while FCharBuffer = '' do //if there is no input pending,just waint until the user adds input begin Sleep(10); //this will allow the user to write the next char and the application to notice that Application.ProcessMessages; end; Result := Byte(AnsiString(FCharBuffer[1])[1]); //just a byte,no UnicodeChars support Delete(FCharBuffer,1,1); end;
也许你正在将消息抽象与命令抽象混合在基于命令的协议上,客户端发送包含命令的字符串,服务器回复包含响应的字符串(然后可能是更多的数据).看看TIdCmdTCPServer / Client组件.
type TCommThread = class(TThread) private FText: string; protected procedure Execute; override; //this will hold the result of the communication property Text: string read FText; end; procedure TCommThread.Execute; const //this is the message to be sent. I removed the A because the server will close //the connection on the first A sent. I'm adding a final A to close the channel. Str: AnsiString = 'HELLO,THIS IS _ THRE_DED CLIENT!A'; var AByte: Byte; I: Integer; Client: TIdTCPClient; Txt: TStringList; begin try Client := TIdTCPClient.Create(nil); try Client.Host := 'localhost'; Client.Port := 1025; Client.Connect; Txt := TStringList.Create; try Txt.Add(Client.IOHandler.ReadLn); //we know there must be a welcome message! Txt.Add('');// a new line to write in! AByte := 0; I := 0; while (Client.Connected) and (AByte <> 65) do begin Inc(I); AByte := Ord(Str[I]); Client.IOHandler.Write(AByte); AByte := Client.IOHandler.ReadByte; Txt[Txt.Count - 1] := Txt[Txt.Count - 1] + Chr(AByte); end; Txt.Add(Client.IOHandler.ReadLn); //we know there must be a goodbye message! FText := Txt.Text; finally Txt.Free; end; Client.Disconnect; finally Client.Free; end; except on E:Exception do FText := 'Error! ' + E.ClassName + '||' + E.Message; end; end;
//this will collect the result of the thread execution on the Memo1 component. procedure TForm3.AThreadTerminate(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1.Lines.Text := (Sender as TCommThread).Text; end; //this will spawn a new thread on a Create and forget basis. //The OnTerminate event will fire the result collect. procedure TForm3.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var AThread: TCommThread; begin AThread := TCommThread.Create(True); AThread.FreeOnTerminate := True; AThread.OnTerminate := AThreadTerminate; AThread.Start; end;