- // Tests that require an initialised tree start with one with seven items
- const
- NumInitialItems : Integer = 7;
- ...
- // Data is an int,not a pointer
- function Compare(aData1,aData2: Pointer): Integer;
- begin
- if NativeInt(aData1) < NativeInt(aData2) then Exit(-1);
- if NativeInt(aData1) > NativeInt(aData2) then Exit(1);
- Exit(0);
- end;
- // Add seven items (0..6) to the tree. Node.Data is a pointer field,just cast.
- procedure TestTRedBlackTree.SetUp;
- var
- Loop : Integer;
- begin
- FRedBlackTree := TtdRedBlackTree.Create(Compare,nil);
- for Loop := 0 to NumInitialItems - 1 do begin
- FRedBlackTree.Insert(Pointer(Loop));
- end;
- end;
- ...
- // Delete() crashes for the first item,no matter if it is 0 or 1 or...
- procedure TestTRedBlackTree.TestDelete;
- var
- aItem: Pointer;
- Loop : Integer;
- begin
- for Loop := 1 to NumInitialItems - 1 do begin // In case 0 (nil) causes problems,but 1 fails too
- aItem := Pointer(Loop);
- Check(FRedBlackTree.Find(aItem) = aItem,'Item not found before deleting');
- FRedBlackTree.Delete(aItem);
- Check(FRedBlackTree.Find(aItem) = nil,'Item found after deleting');
- Check(FRedBlackTree.Count = NumInitialItems - Loop,'Item still in the tree');
- end;
- end;
- function TtdRedBlackTree.rbtPromote(aNode : PtdBinTreeNode)
- : PtdBinTreeNode;
- var
- Parent : PtdBinTreeNode;
- begin
- {make a note of the parent of the node we're promoting}
- Parent := aNode^.btParent;
- {in both cases there are 6 links to be broken and remade: the node's
- link to its child and vice versa,the node's link with its parent
- and vice versa and the parent's link with its parent and vice
- versa; note that the node's child could be nil}
- {promote a left child = right rotation of parent}
- if (Parent^.btChild[ctLeft] = aNode) then begin
- Parent^.btChild[ctLeft] := aNode^.btChild[ctRight];
- if (Parent^.btChild[ctLeft] <> nil) then
- Parent^.btChild[ctLeft]^.btParent := Parent;
- aNode^.btParent := Parent^.btParent;
- if (aNode^.btParent^.btChild[ctLeft] = Parent) then //!!!
- aNode^.btParent^.btChild[ctLeft] := aNode
- else
- aNode^.btParent^.btChild[ctRight] := aNode;
- aNode^.btChild[ctRight] := Parent;
- Parent^.btParent := aNode;
- end
- ...
我尝试简单地测试这个,只有当祖父母存在时才运行if / then / else语句.虽然这似乎是合乎逻辑的,但这是一个天真的修复;我不明白旋转是否足以知道这是否有效,或者是否应该发生其他事情 – 而这样做会导致另一个问题,在片段之后提到. (请注意,以下复制的代码在上面复制的代码片段左旋,同样的错误也发生在那里.)
- if aNode.btParent <> nil then begin //!!! Grandparent doesn't exist,because parent is root node
- if (aNode^.btParent^.btChild[ctLeft] = Parent) then
- aNode^.btParent^.btChild[ctLeft] := aNode
- else
- aNode^.btParent^.btChild[ctRight] := aNode;
- aNode^.btChild[ctRight] := Parent;
- end;
- Parent^.btParent := aNode;
- ...
- Walker := FBinTree.Root;
- CmpResult := FCompare(aItem,Walker^.btData);
所以 – 在这一点上,我可以告诉我的修改显然只是造成更多的问题,而另一些更根本的是实现算法的代码是错误的.不幸的是,即使有这本书作为参考,我也不能弄清楚出了什么问题,或者说,正确的实现是什么样的,这里有什么不同.
>识别和修复“推广”和课堂其他地方的任何错误.请注意,我还为基类TtdBinarySearchTree编写了单元测试,并且全部通过. (这并不意味着它是完美的 – 我可能没有发现失败的案例,但这是一些帮助.)
>查找代码的更新版本.朱利安还没有发表任何errata for the red-black tree implementation.
>如果一切都失败,找到一个不同的,已知的很好的Delphi红黑树实现.我正在使用树来解决一个问题,而不是为了写一棵树.如果我不得不,我会很乐意用另一个(给定的许可条款等)来替换潜在的实现.然而,鉴于这本书和代码的谱系,问题是令人惊讶的,解决它们会帮助更多的人而不仅仅是我 – 这是一个广泛推荐的书在Delphi社区.
评论家MBo指出朱利安的EZDSL library,其中包含一个红黑树的另一个实现.该版本通过单元测试.我目前正在比较两个来源,试图看看算法偏离哪里,找出错误.
一种可能性是简单地使用EZDSL红黑树,而不是德尔福红黑树的Tomes,但图书馆有一些问题,使我不热衷于使用它:它仅用于32位x86;一些方法仅在汇编中提供,而不是Pascal(虽然大多数有两个版本);树结构完全不同,例如使用光标到节点而不是指针 – 一个完全有效的方法,但是代码与ToD书中的“示例”代码的不同之处的示例,其中导航在语义上是不同的;在我看来,代码很难理解和使用:它是非常重要的优化,变量和方法不如清楚地命名,有各种魔术功能,节点结构实际上是一个联合/案例记录,压缩详细的堆栈,队列,出列和列表,双链表,跳过列表,树,二进制树和堆在一个结构中几乎不可理解的调试器等.它不是代码我很想在生产中使用在哪里我需要支持它,也不容易学习. Delphi源代码的Tomes可读性更好,可维护性更高…但也不正确.你看到困境:)
>这是很容易的移植,虽然我把程序化的C代码移植到面向对象的结构.有一些小小的怪癖,如Bucknall的树有一个FHead节点,孩子是树的根,你必须注意转换. (如果节点的父节点为NULL,则经常测试测试节点是根节点的方法,我已经将这个和其他类似的逻辑提取到帮助方法,或者节点或树方法).
>读者也可能发现Eternally Confuzzled page on red-black trees有用.虽然我在编写这个实现时没有使用它,但我可能应该有,如果在这个实现中有错误,我将转向那里了解.这也是我在调查ToD时研究RB树的第一个页面,提到红黑树和2-3-4 trees之间的连接名称.
>如果不清楚,这段代码修改了Delphi中的Tomes示例TtdBinaryTree,TtdBinarySearchTree和TtdRedBlackTree在TDBinTre.pas(source code download on the ToD page)中找到.要使用它,请编辑该文件.这不是一个新的实现,而是不完整的.具体来说,它保持ToD代码的结构,例如TtdBinarySearchTree不是TtdBinaryTree的后代,而是拥有一个作为成员(即包装它),使用FHead节点而不是Root的零父项等.
>原始代码是MIT许可的. (该网站正在转移到另一个许可证;它可能已经更改了您检查的时间.对于未来的读者,在撰写本文时,代码肯定是在麻省理工学院的许可证下.)我不确定对Tomes的许可的Delphi代码;因为它在一本算法书中,假设你可以使用它可能是合理的 – 它在参考书中是隐含的,我认为.就我而言,只要你符合原始许可证,欢迎使用它:)请留下评论,如果它是有用的,我想知道.
> Delphi实现的Tomes通过使用祖先排序的二叉树插入方法进行插入,然后“促进”节点.逻辑在这两个地方.该实现也实现插入,然后进入多个情况来检查位置并通过显式轮换进行修改.这些旋转是单独的方法(RotateLeft和RotateRight),我觉得很有用 – ToD代码谈论旋转,但没有明确地将它们拉到单独的命名方法.删除是类似的:它进入一些情况.每个案例都在页面上解释,并在我的代码中作为注释.其中一些我命名,但有些太复杂,不能放入一个方法名称,所以只是“案例4”,“案例5”等,并有注释解释.
>树现在通过我的单元测试,虽然它们可以更广泛 – 我写了他们来调试Delphi树的Tomes更简单.此代码不作任何形式的担保或保证.考虑未经测试在使用之前先写测试.请注意,如果你发现一个错误:)
我向节点添加了以下帮助方法,以便在阅读时使代码更有文字性.例如,如果Node = Node.Parent.btChild [ctLeft]然后…,则原始代码通常通过测试(盲目转换为Delphi和未修改的ToD结构)来测试节点是否为其父级的左侧子节点,而现在您可以测试如果Node.IsLeft然后…等等.记录定义中的方法原型不包括在内,以节省空间,但应该是明显的:)
- function TtdBinTreeNode.Parent: PtdBinTreeNode;
- begin
- assert(btParent <> nil,'Parent is nil');
- Result := btParent;
- end;
- function TtdBinTreeNode.Grandparent: PtdBinTreeNode;
- begin
- assert(btParent <> nil,'Parent is nil');
- Result := btParent.btParent;
- assert(Result <> nil,'Grandparent is nil - child of root node?');
- end;
- function TtdBinTreeNode.Sibling: PtdBinTreeNode;
- begin
- assert(btParent <> nil,'Parent is nil');
- if @Self = btParent.btChild[ctLeft] then
- Exit(btParent.btChild[ctRight])
- else
- Exit(btParent.btChild[ctLeft]);
- end;
- function TtdBinTreeNode.Uncle: PtdBinTreeNode;
- begin
- assert(btParent <> nil,'Parent is nil');
- // Can be nil if grandparent has only one child (children of root have no uncle)
- Result := btParent.Sibling;
- end;
- function TtdBinTreeNode.LeftChild: PtdBinTreeNode;
- begin
- Result := btChild[ctLeft];
- end;
- function TtdBinTreeNode.RightChild: PtdBinTreeNode;
- begin
- Result := btChild[ctRight];
- end;
- function TtdBinTreeNode.IsLeft: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := @Self = Parent.LeftChild;
- end;
- function TtdBinTreeNode.IsRight: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := @Self = Parent.RightChild;
- end;
我还添加了现有IsRed()等额外的方法来测试它是否为黑色(如果IsBlack(Node)如果不是IsRed(Node)IsBlack(Node)),并且得到颜色,那么IMO代码扫描更好,包括处理一个nil节点请注意,这些需要保持一致 – 例如IsRed对于一个nil节点返回false,所以一个nil节点是黑色的(这也与红黑树的属性和一致的黑色节点数量有关在一条叶子的路上.)
- function IsBlack(aNode : PtdBinTreeNode) : boolean;
- begin
- Result := not IsRed(aNode);
- end;
- function NodeColor(aNode :PtdBinTreeNode) : TtdRBColor;
- begin
- if aNode = nil then Exit(rbBlack);
- Result := aNode.btColor;
- end;
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.Verify;
- begin
- {$ifdef DEBUG}
- VerifyNodesRedOrBlack(FBinTree.Root);
- VerifyRootIsBlack;
- // 3 is implicit
- VerifyRedBlackRelationship(FBinTree.Root);
- VerifyBlackNodeCount(FBinTree.Root);
- {$endif}
- end;
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.VerifyNodesRedOrBlack(const Node : PtdBinTreeNode);
- begin
- // Normally implicitly ok in Delphi,due to type system - can't assign something else
- // However,node uses a union / case to write to the same value,theoretically
- // only for other tree types,so worth checking
- assert((Node.btColor = rbRed) or (Node.btColor = rbBlack));
- if Node = nil then Exit;
- VerifyNodesRedOrBlack(Node.LeftChild);
- VerifyNodesRedOrBlack(Node.RightChild);
- end;
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.VerifyRootIsBlack;
- begin
- assert(IsBlack(FBinTree.Root));
- end;
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.VerifyRedBlackRelationship(const Node : PtdBinTreeNode);
- begin
- // Every red node has two black children; or,the parent of every red node is black.
- if IsRed(Node) then begin
- assert(IsBlack(Node.LeftChild));
- assert(IsBlack(Node.RightChild));
- assert(IsBlack(Node.Parent));
- end;
- if Node = nil then Exit;
- VerifyRedBlackRelationship(Node.LeftChild);
- VerifyRedBlackRelationship(Node.RightChild);
- end;
- procedure VerifyBlackNodeCountHelper(const Node : PtdBinTreeNode; BlackCount : NativeInt; var PathBlackCount : NativeInt);
- begin
- if IsBlack(Node) then begin
- Inc(BlackCount);
- end;
- if Node = nil then begin
- if PathBlackCount = -1 then begin
- PathBlackCount := BlackCount;
- end else begin
- assert(BlackCount = PathBlackCount);
- end;
- Exit;
- end;
- VerifyBlackNodeCountHelper(Node.LeftChild,BlackCount,PathBlackCount);
- VerifyBlackNodeCountHelper(Node.RightChild,PathBlackCount);
- end;
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.VerifyBlackNodeCount(const Node : PtdBinTreeNode);
- var
- PathBlackCount : NativeInt;
- begin
- // All paths from a node to its leaves contain the same number of black nodes.
- PathBlackCount := -1;
- VerifyBlackNodeCountHelper(Node,PathBlackCount);
- end;
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.RotateLeft(Node: PtdBinTreeNode);
- var
- R : PtdBinTreeNode;
- begin
- R := Node.RightChild;
- ReplaceNode(Node,R);
- Node.btChild[ctRight] := R.LeftChild;
- if R.LeftChild <> nil then begin
- R.LeftChild.btParent := Node;
- end;
- R.btChild[ctLeft] := Node;
- Node.btParent := R;
- end;
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.RotateRight(Node: PtdBinTreeNode);
- var
- L : PtdBinTreeNode;
- begin
- L := Node.LeftChild;
- ReplaceNode(Node,L);
- Node.btChild[ctLeft] := L.RightChild;
- if L.RightChild <> nil then begin
- L.RightChild.btParent := Node;
- end;
- L.btChild[ctRight] := Node;
- Node.btParent := L;
- end;
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.ReplaceNode(OldNode,NewNode: PtdBinTreeNode);
- begin
- if IsRoot(OldNode) then begin
- SetRoot(NewNode);
- end else begin
- if OldNode.IsLeft then begin // // Is the left child of its parent
- OldNode.Parent.btChild[ctLeft] := NewNode;
- end else begin
- OldNode.Parent.btChild[ctRight] := NewNode;
- end;
- end;
- if NewNode <> nil then begin
- newNode.btParent := OldNode.Parent;
- end;
- end;
- function TtdRedBlackTree.IsRoot(const Node: PtdBinTreeNode): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := Node = FBinTree.Root;
- end;
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.SetRoot(Node: PtdBinTreeNode);
- begin
- Node.btColor := rbBlack; // Root is always black
- FBinTree.SetRoot(Node);
- Node.btParent.btColor := rbBlack; // FHead is black
- end;
- function TtdRedBlackTree.MaximumNode(Node: PtdBinTreeNode): PtdBinTreeNode;
- begin
- assert(Node <> nil);
- while Node.RightChild <> nil do begin
- Node := Node.RightChild;
- end;
- Result := Node;
- end;
红黑树是内部树FBITree周围的包装.该代码以太连接的方式直接修改树. FBinTree和包装红黑树都保留了一个计数节点的数量,并使这个更清洁我删除了TtdBinarySearchTree(红黑树的祖先)的FCount并重定向了Count以返回FBinTree.Count,即询问二叉搜索树和红黑树类使用的实际内部树 – 这毕竟是拥有节点的东西.我还添加了NodeInserted和NodeRemoved的通知方法来增加和减少计数.代码不包括(微不足道).
我还提取了一些分配节点和处理节点的方法 – 不要从树中插入或删除,或者做任何关于节点的连接或存在的事情;这些是为了照顾节点本身的创建和销毁.请注意,节点创建需要将节点的颜色设置为红色 – 此点之后的颜色更改被照看.这也确保了节点被释放时,有机会释放与之相关联的数据.
- function TtdBinaryTree.NewNode(const Item : Pointer): PtdBinTreeNode;
- begin
- {allocate a new node }
- Result := BTNodeManager.AllocNode;
- Result^.btParent := nil;
- Result^.btChild[ctLeft] := nil;
- Result^.btChild[ctRight] := nil;
- Result^.btData := Item;
- Result.btColor := rbRed; // Red initially
- end;
- procedure TtdBinaryTree.DisposeNode(Node: PtdBinTreeNode);
- begin
- // Free whatever Data was pointing to,if necessary
- if Assigned(FDispose) then FDispose(Node.btData);
- // Free the node
- BTNodeManager.FreeNode(Node);
- // Decrement the node count
- NodeRemoved;
- end;
使用这些额外的方法,使用以下代码进行插入和删除.代码被评论,但是我建议您阅读original page以及德尔福的Tomes书籍,了解旋转的解释以及代码测试的各种情况.
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.Insert(aItem : pointer);
- var
- NewNode,Node : PtdBinTreeNode;
- Comparison : NativeInt;
- begin
- Verify;
- newNode := FBinTree.NewNode(aItem);
- assert(IsRed(NewNode)); // new node is red
- if IsRoot(nil) then begin
- SetRoot(NewNode);
- NodeInserted;
- end else begin
- Node := FBinTree.Root;
- while True do begin
- Comparison := FCompare(aItem,Node.btData);
- case Comparison of
- 0: begin
- // Equal: tree doesn't support duplicate values
- assert(false,'Should not insert a duplicate item');
- FBinTree.DisposeNode(NewNode);
- Exit;
- end;
- -1: begin
- if Node.LeftChild = nil then begin
- Node.btChild[ctLeft] := NewNode;
- Break;
- end else begin
- Node := Node.LeftChild;
- end;
- end;
- else begin
- assert(Comparison = 1,'Only -1,0 and 1 are valid comparison values');
- if Node.RightChild = nil then begin
- Node.btChild[ctRight] := NewNode;
- Break;
- end else begin
- Node := Node.RightChild;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- NewNode.btParent := Node; // Because assigned to left or right child above
- NodeInserted; // Increment count
- end;
- InsertCase1(NewNode);
- Verify;
- end;
- // Node is now the root of the tree. Node must be black; because it's the only
- // node,there is only one path,so the number of black nodes is ok
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.InsertCase1(Node: PtdBinTreeNode);
- begin
- if not IsRoot(Node) then begin
- InsertCase2(Node);
- end else begin
- // Node is root (the less likely case)
- Node.btColor := rbBlack;
- end;
- end;
- // New node has a black parent: all properties ok
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.InsertCase2(Node: PtdBinTreeNode);
- begin
- // If it is black,then everything ok,do nothing
- if not IsBlack(Node.Parent) then InsertCase3(Node);
- end;
- // More complex: uncle is red. Recolor parent and uncle black and grandparent red
- // The grandparent change may break the red-black properties,so start again
- // from case 1.
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.InsertCase3(Node: PtdBinTreeNode);
- begin
- if IsRed(Node.Uncle) then begin
- Node.Parent.btColor := rbBlack;
- Node.Uncle.btColor := rbBlack;
- Node.Grandparent.btColor := rbRed;
- InsertCase1(Node.Grandparent);
- end else begin
- InsertCase4(Node);
- end;
- end;
- // "In this case,we deal with two cases that are mirror images of one another:
- // - The new node is the right child of its parent and the parent is the left child
- // of the grandparent. In this case we rotate left about the parent.
- // - The new node is the left child of its parent and the parent is the right child
- // of the grandparent. In this case we rotate right about the parent.
- // Neither of these fixes the properties,but they put the tree in the correct form
- // to apply case 5."
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.InsertCase4(Node: PtdBinTreeNode);
- begin
- if (Node.IsRight) and (Node.Parent = Node.Grandparent.LeftChild) then begin
- RotateLeft(Node.Parent);
- Node := Node.LeftChild;
- end else if (Node.IsLeft) and (Node.Parent = Node.Grandparent.RightChild) then begin
- RotateRight(Node.Parent);
- Node := Node.RightChild;
- end;
- InsertCase5(Node);
- end;
- // " In this final case,we deal with two cases that are mirror images of one another:
- // - The new node is the left child of its parent and the parent is the left child
- // of the grandparent. In this case we rotate right about the grandparent.
- // - The new node is the right child of its parent and the parent is the right child
- // of the grandparent. In this case we rotate left about the grandparent.
- // Now the properties are satisfied and all cases have been covered."
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.InsertCase5(Node: PtdBinTreeNode);
- begin
- Node.Parent.btColor := rbBlack;
- Node.Grandparent.btColor := rbRed;
- if (Node.IsLeft) and (Node.Parent = Node.Grandparent.LeftChild) then begin
- RotateRight(Node.Grandparent);
- end else begin
- assert((Node.IsRight) and (Node.Parent = Node.Grandparent.RightChild));
- RotateLeft(Node.Grandparent);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.Delete(aItem : pointer);
- var
- Node,Predecessor,Child : PtdBinTreeNode;
- begin
- Node := bstFindNodeToDelete(aItem);
- if Node = nil then begin
- assert(false,'Node not found');
- Exit;
- end;
- if (Node.LeftChild <> nil) and (Node.RightChild <> nil) then begin
- Predecessor := MaximumNode(Node.LeftChild);
- Node.btData := aItem;
- Node := Predecessor;
- end;
- assert((Node.LeftChild = nil) or (Node.RightChild = nil));
- if Node.LeftChild = nil then
- Child := Node.RightChild
- else
- Child := Node.LeftChild;
- if IsBlack(Node) then begin
- Node.btColor := NodeColor(Child);
- DeleteCase1(Node);
- end;
- ReplaceNode(Node,Child);
- if IsRoot(Node) and (Child <> nil) then begin
- Child.btColor := rbBlack;
- end;
- FBinTree.DisposeNode(Node);
- Verify;
- end;
- // If Node is the root node,the deletion removes one black node from every path
- // No properties violated,return
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.DeleteCase1(Node: PtdBinTreeNode);
- begin
- if IsRoot(Node) then Exit;
- DeleteCase2(Node);
- end;
- // Node has a red sibling; swap colors,and rotate so the sibling is the parent
- // of its former parent. Continue to one of the next cases
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.DeleteCase2(Node: PtdBinTreeNode);
- begin
- if IsRed(Node.Sibling) then begin
- Node.Parent.btColor := rbRed;
- Node.Sibling.btColor := rbBlack;
- if Node.IsLeft then begin
- RotateLeft(Node.Parent);
- end else begin
- RotateRight(Node.Parent);
- end;
- end;
- DeleteCase3(Node);
- end;
- // Node's parent,sibling and sibling's children are black; paint the sibling red.
- // All paths through Node now have one less black node,so recursively run case 1
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.DeleteCase3(Node: PtdBinTreeNode);
- begin
- if IsBlack(Node.Parent) and
- IsBlack(Node.Sibling) and
- IsBlack(Node.Sibling.LeftChild) and
- IsBlack(Node.Sibling.RightChild) then
- begin
- Node.Sibling.btColor := rbRed;
- DeleteCase1(Node.Parent);
- end else begin
- DeleteCase4(Node);
- end;
- end;
- // Node's sibling and sibling's children are black,but node's parent is red.
- // Swap colors of sibling and parent Node; restores the tree properties
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.DeleteCase4(Node: PtdBinTreeNode);
- begin
- if IsRed(Node.Parent) and
- IsBlack(Node.Sibling) and
- IsBlack(Node.Sibling.LeftChild) and
- IsBlack(Node.Sibling.RightChild) then
- begin
- Node.Sibling.btColor := rbRed;
- Node.Parent.btColor := rbBlack;
- end else begin
- DeleteCase5(Node);
- end;
- end;
- // Mirror image cases: Node's sibling is black,sibling's left child is red,// sibling's right child is black,and Node is the left child. Swap the colors
- // of sibling and its left sibling and rotate right at S
- // And vice versa: Node's sibling is black,sibling's right child is red,sibling's
- // left child is black,and Node is the right child of its parent. Swap the colors
- // of sibling and its right sibling and rotate left at the sibling.
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.DeleteCase5(Node: PtdBinTreeNode);
- begin
- if Node.IsLeft and
- IsBlack(Node.Sibling) and
- IsRed(Node.Sibling.LeftChild) and
- IsBlack(Node.Sibling.RightChild) then
- begin
- Node.Sibling.btColor := rbRed;
- Node.Sibling.LeftChild.btColor := rbBlack;
- RotateRight(Node.Sibling);
- end else if Node.IsRight and
- IsBlack(Node.Sibling) and
- IsRed(Node.Sibling.RightChild) and
- IsBlack(Node.Sibling.LeftChild) then
- begin
- Node.Sibling.btColor := rbRed;
- Node.Sibling.RightChild.btColor := rbBlack;
- RotateLeft(Node.Sibling);
- end;
- DeleteCase6(Node);
- end;
- // Mirror image cases:
- // - "N's sibling S is black,S's right child is red,and N is the left child of its
- // parent. We exchange the colors of N's parent and sibling,make S's right child
- // black,then rotate left at N's parent.
- // - N's sibling S is black,S's left child is red,and N is the right child of its
- // parent. We exchange the colors of N's parent and sibling,make S's left child
- // black,then rotate right at N's parent.
- // This accomplishes three things at once:
- // - We add a black node to all paths through N,either by adding a black S to those
- // paths or by recoloring N's parent black.
- // - We remove a black node from all paths through S's red child,either by removing
- // P from those paths or by recoloring S.
- // - We recolor S's red child black,adding a black node back to all paths through
- // S's red child.
- // S's left child has become a child of N's parent during the rotation and so is
- // unaffected."
- procedure TtdRedBlackTree.DeleteCase6(Node: PtdBinTreeNode);
- begin
- Node.Sibling.btColor := NodeColor(Node.Parent);
- Node.Parent.btColor := rbBlack;
- if Node.IsLeft then begin
- assert(IsRed(Node.Sibling.RightChild));
- Node.Sibling.RightChild.btColor := rbBlack;
- RotateLeft(Node.Parent);
- end else begin
- assert(IsRed(Node.Sibling.LeftChild));
- Node.Sibling.LeftChild.btColor := rbBlack;
- RotateRight(Node.Parent);
- end;
- end;
>我希望这是有用的!如果你发现它很有用,请留言说你如何使用它.我很想知道.>它不附带任何保证或保证.它通过我的单元测试,但它们可能更全面 – 我所能说的是,这个代码成功地在Delphi代码的Tomes失败了.谁知道是否以其他方式失败使用您自己的风险.我建议你为它编写测试.如果你发现错误,请在这里评论!有乐趣:)