case MessageDlgCustom('Save your changes?',mtConfirmation,[mbYes,mbNo,mbCancel],['&Yes,I would like to save them with this absurdly long button','&No,I do not care about my stupid changes','&Arg! What are you talking about? Do not close the form!'],nil) //nil = no custom font of mrYes: begin SaveChanges; CloseTheForm; end; //mrYes (save & close) mrNo: begin CloseForm; end; //mrNo (close w/o saving) mrCancel: begin //do nothing end; //mrCancel (neither save nor close) end; //case
unit CustomDialog; interface uses Dialogs,Forms,Graphics,StdCtrls; function MessageDlgCustom(const Msg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType; Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; ToCaptions: array of string; customFont: TFont) : integer; procedure ModifyDialog(var frm: TForm; ToCaptions : array of string; customFont : TFont = nil); implementation uses Windows,SysUtils; function GetTextWidth(s: string; fnt: TFont; HWND: THandle): integer; var canvas: TCanvas; begin canvas := TCanvas.Create; try canvas.Handle := GetWindowDC(HWND); canvas.Font := fnt; Result := canvas.TextWidth(s); finally ReleaseDC(HWND,canvas.Handle); FreeAndNil(canvas); end; //try-finally end; function MessageDlgCustom(const Msg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType; Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; ToCaptions: array of string; customFont: TFont): integer; var dialog : TForm; begin try dialog := CreateMessageDialog(Msg,DlgType,Buttons); dialog.Position := poScreenCenter; ModifyDialog(dialog,ToCaptions,customFont); Result := dialog.ShowModal; finally dialog.Release; end; //try-finally end; procedure ModifyDialog(var frm: TForm; ToCaptions: array of string; customFont: TFont); const c_BtnMargin = 10; //margin of button around caption text var i,oldButtonWidth,newButtonWidth,btnCnt : integer; begin oldButtonWidth := 0; newButtonWidth := 0; btnCnt := 0; for i := 0 to frm.ComponentCount - 1 do begin //if they asked for a custom font,assign it here if customFont <> nil then begin if frm.Components[i] is TLabel then begin TLabel(frm.Components[i]).Font := customFont; end; if frm.Components[i] is TButton then begin TButton(frm.Components[i]).Font := customFont; end; end; if frm.Components[i] is TButton then begin //check buttons for a match with a "from" (default) string //if found,replace with a "to" (custom) string Inc(btnCnt); //record the button width *before* we changed the caption oldButtonWidth := oldButtonWidth + TButton(frm.Components[i]).Width; //if a custom caption has been provided use that instead,//or just leave the default caption if the custom caption is empty if ToCaptions[btnCnt - 1]<>'' then TButton(frm.Components[i]).Caption := ToCaptions[btnCnt - 1]; //auto-size the button for the new caption TButton(frm.Components[i]).Width := GetTextWidth(TButton(frm.Components[i]).Caption,TButton(frm.Components[i]).Font,frm.Handle) + c_BtnMargin; //the first button can stay where it is. //all other buttons need to slide over to the right of the one b4. if (1 < btnCnt) and (0 < i) then begin TButton(frm.Components[i]).Left := TButton(frm.Components[i-1]).Left + TButton(frm.Components[i-1]).Width + c_BtnMargin; end; //record the button width *after* changing the caption newButtonWidth := newButtonWidth + TButton(frm.Components[i]).Width; end; //if TButton end; //for i //whatever we changed the buttons by,widen / shrink the form accordingly frm.Width := Round(frm.Width + (newButtonWidth - oldButtonWidth) + (c_BtnMargin * btnCnt)); end; end.