> TPanel
> TLabel
> TEdit
> TListView
> TSPecialClassX
Run-Time Type Information In Delphi – Can It Do Anything For You?
注意部分Copying Properties From A Component To Another
procedure CopyObject(ObjFrom,ObjTo: TObject); var PropInfos: PPropList; PropInfo: PPropInfo; Count,Loop: Integer; OrdVal: Longint; StrVal: String; FloatVal: Extended; MethodVal: TMethod; begin //{ Iterate thru all published fields and properties of source } //{ copying them to target } //{ Find out how many properties we'll be considering } Count := GetPropList(ObjFrom.ClassInfo,tkAny,nil); //{ Allocate memory to hold their RTTI data } GetMem(PropInfos,Count * SizeOf(PPropInfo)); try //{ Get hold of the property list in our new buffer } GetPropList(ObjFrom.ClassInfo,PropInfos); //{ Loop through all the selected properties } for Loop := 0 to Count - 1 do begin PropInfo := GetPropInfo(ObjTo.ClassInfo,PropInfos^[Loop]^.Name); // { Check the general type of the property } //{ and read/write it in an appropriate way } case PropInfos^[Loop]^.PropType^.Kind of tkInteger,tkChar,tkEnumeration,tkSet,tkClass{$ifdef Win32},tkWChar{$endif}: begin OrdVal := GetOrdProp(ObjFrom,PropInfos^[Loop]); if Assigned(PropInfo) then SetOrdProp(ObjTo,PropInfo,OrdVal); end; tkFloat: begin FloatVal := GetFloatProp(ObjFrom,PropInfos^[Loop]); if Assigned(PropInfo) then SetFloatProp(ObjTo,FloatVal); end; {$ifndef DelphiLessThan3} tkWString,{$endif} {$ifdef Win32} tkLString,{$endif} tkString: begin { Avoid copying 'Name' - components must have unique names } if UpperCase(PropInfos^[Loop]^.Name) = 'NAME' then Continue; StrVal := GetStrProp(ObjFrom,PropInfos^[Loop]); if Assigned(PropInfo) then SetStrProp(ObjTo,StrVal); end; tkMethod: begin MethodVal := GetMethodProp(ObjFrom,PropInfos^[Loop]); if Assigned(PropInfo) then SetMethodProp(ObjTo,MethodVal); end end end finally FreeMem(PropInfos,Count * SizeOf(PPropInfo)); end; end;