我想用Delphi XE2 / XE3标准System.Zip单元替换zip存档中的文件(= delete old和add new).但是没有替换/删除方法.有没有人知道如何在不需要提取所有文件并将其添加到新存档的情况下实现它?
var ZipFile: TZipFile; SS: TStringStream; const ZipDocument = 'E:\document.zip'; begin ZipFile := TZipFile.Create; //Zipfile: TZipFile SS := TStringStream.Create('hello'); try if FileExists(ZipDocument) then ZipFile.Open(ZipDocument,zmReadWrite) else ZipFile.Open(ZipDocument,zmWrite); ZipFile.Add(SS,'document.txt'); ZipFile.Close; finally SS.Free; ZipFile.Free; end; end;
type TZipFileHelper = class helper for TZipFile procedure Delete(FileName: string); end; { TZipFileHelper } procedure TZipFileHelper.Delete(FileName: string); var i,j: Integer; StartOffset,EndOffset,Size: UInt32; Header: TZipHeader; Buf: TBytes; begin i := IndexOf(FileName); if i <> -1 then begin // Find extents for existing file in the file stream StartOffset := Self.FFiles[i].LocalHeaderOffset; EndOffset := Self.FEndFileData; for j := 0 to Self.FFiles.Count - 1 do begin if (Self.FFiles[j].LocalHeaderOffset > StartOffset) and (Self.FFiles[j].LocalHeaderOffset <= EndOffset) then EndOffset := Self.FFiles[j].LocalHeaderOffset; end; Size := EndOffset - StartOffset; // Update central directory header data Self.FFiles.Delete(i); for j := 0 to Self.FFiles.Count - 1 do begin Header := Self.FFiles[j]; if Header.LocalHeaderOffset > StartOffset then begin Header.LocalHeaderOffset := Header.LocalHeaderOffset - Size; Self.FFiles[j] := Header; end; end; // Remove existing file stream SetLength(Buf,Self.FEndFileData - EndOffset); Self.FStream.Position := EndOffset; if Length(Buf) > 0 then Self.FStream.Read(Buf[0],Length(Buf)); Self.FStream.Size := StartOffset; if Length(Buf) > 0 then Self.FStream.Write(Buf[0],Length(Buf)); Self.FEndFileData := Self.FStream.Position; end; end;
ZipFile.Delete('document.txt'); ZipFile.Add(SS,'document.txt');