椭圆形的边框是容易的部分,从上到下在椭圆形内部的渐变也相当容易 – 但是当使边缘褪色使顶部和侧面的玻璃状外观时 – 我没有线索怎么去做这个.
//B = Bitmap to draw to //Col = Color to draw glass image procedure TForm1.DrawOval(const Col: TColor; var B: TBitmap); var C: TCanvas; //Main canvas for drawing easily R: TRect; //Base rect R2: TRect; //Working rect X: Integer; //Main top/bottom gradient loop CR,CG,CB: Byte; //Base RGB color values TR,TG,TB: Byte; //Working RGB color values begin if assigned(B) then begin if B <> nil then begin C:= B.Canvas; R:= C.ClipRect; C.Pen.Style:= psClear; C.Brush.Style:= bsSolid; C.Brush.Color:= B.TransparentColor; C.FillRect(R); C.Pen.Style:= psSolid; C.Pen.Color:= clBlack; C.Pen.Width:= 5; C.Brush.Color:= clBlack; R2:= R; for X:= 1 to 6 do begin R2.Bottom:= R2.Bottom - 1; C.RoundRect(R2.Left,R2.Top,R2.Right,R2.Bottom,Round(R2.Bottom / 1.5),Round(R2.Bottom / 1.5)); end; R2.Left:= R2.Left + 1; R2.Right:= R2.Right - 1; C.Brush.Color:= Col; C.Pen.Width:= 3; C.RoundRect(R2.Left,Round(R2.Bottom / 1.5)); C.Brush.Style:= bsSolid; C.Pen.Style:= psClear; R2:= R; R2.Left:= R2.Left + 13; R2.Right:= R2.Right - 13; R2.Top:= 3; R2.Bottom:= (R2.Bottom div 2) - 18; CR:= GetRValue(Col); CG:= GetGValue(Col); CB:= GetBValue(Col); for X:= 1 to 16 do begin TR:= EnsureRange(CR + (X * 4)+25,255); TG:= EnsureRange(CG + (X * 4)+25,255); TB:= EnsureRange(CB + (X * 4)+25,255); C.Brush.Color:= RGB(TR,TB); C.RoundRect(R2.Left,Round(R2.Bottom / 1.5)); R2.Left:= R2.Left + 2; R2.Right:= R2.Right - 2; R2.Bottom:= R2.Bottom - 1; end; end; end; end;
> AlphaBlend
> GradientFill
> MaskBlt
unit GlassLabel; interface uses Classes,Controls,Windows,Graphics,Math; const DefTransparency = 30; type TPercentage = 0..100; TGlassLabel = class(TGraphicControl) private FTransparency: TPercentage; procedure SetTransparency(Value: TPercentage); protected procedure Paint; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; procedure SetBounds(ALeft,ATop,AWidth,AHeight: Integer); override; published property Caption; property Color; property Font; property Transparency: TPercentage read FTransparency write SetTransparency default DefTransparency; end; implementation type PTriVertex = ^TTriVertex; TTriVertex = record X: DWORD; Y: DWORD; Red: WORD; Green: WORD; Blue: WORD; Alpha: WORD; end; TRGB = record R: Byte; G: Byte; B: Byte; end; function GradientFill(DC: HDC; Vertex: PTriVertex; NumVertex: ULONG; Mesh: Pointer; NumMesh,Mode: ULONG): BOOL; stdcall; overload; external msimg32 name 'GradientFill'; function GradientFill(DC: HDC; const ARect: TRect; StartColor,EndColor: TColor; Vertical: Boolean): Boolean; overload; const Modes: array[Boolean] of ULONG = (GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H,GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_V); var Vertices: array[0..1] of TTriVertex; GRect: TGradientRect; begin Vertices[0].X := ARect.Left; Vertices[0].Y := ARect.Top; Vertices[0].Red := GetRValue(ColorToRGB(StartColor)) shl 8; Vertices[0].Green := GetGValue(ColorToRGB(StartColor)) shl 8; Vertices[0].Blue := GetBValue(ColorToRGB(StartColor)) shl 8; Vertices[0].Alpha := 0; Vertices[1].X := ARect.Right; Vertices[1].Y := ARect.Bottom; Vertices[1].Red := GetRValue(ColorToRGB(EndColor)) shl 8; Vertices[1].Green := GetGValue(ColorToRGB(EndColor)) shl 8; Vertices[1].Blue := GetBValue(ColorToRGB(EndColor)) shl 8; Vertices[1].Alpha := 0; GRect.UpperLeft := 0; GRect.LowerRight := 1; Result := GradientFill(DC,@Vertices,2,@GRect,1,Modes[Vertical]); end; function GetRGB(AColor: TColor): TRGB; begin AColor := ColorToRGB(AColor); Result.R := GetRValue(AColor); Result.G := GetGValue(AColor); Result.B := GetBValue(AColor); end; function MixColor(Base,MixWith: TColor; Factor: Single): TColor; var FBase: TRGB; FMixWith: TRGB; begin if Factor <= 0 then Result := Base else if Factor >= 1 then Result := MixWith else begin FBase := GetRGB(Base); FMixWith := GetRGB(MixWith); with FBase do begin R := R + Round((FMixWith.R - R) * Factor); G := G + Round((FMixWith.G - G) * Factor); B := B + Round((FMixWith.B - B) * Factor); Result := RGB(R,G,B); end; end; end; function ColorWhiteness(C: TColor): Single; begin Result := (GetRValue(C) + GetGValue(C) + GetBValue(C)) / 255 / 3; end; function ColorBlackness(C: TColor): Single; begin Result := 1 - ColorWhiteness(C); end; { TGlassLabel } constructor TGlassLabel.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); ControlStyle := [csOpaque]; FTransparency := DefTransparency; end; procedure TGlassLabel.Paint; const DSTCOPY = $00AA0029; DrawTextFlags = DT_CENTER or DT_END_ELLIPSIS or DT_SINGLELINE or DT_VCENTER; var W: Integer; H: Integer; BorderTop: Integer; BorderBottom: Integer; BorderSide: Integer; Shadow: Integer; R0: TRect; //Bounds of control R1: TRect; //Inside border R2: TRect; //Top gradient R3: TRect; //Text R4: TRect; //Perforation ParentDC: HDC; Tmp: TBitmap; Mem: TBitmap; Msk: TBitmap; ShadowFactor: Single; X: Integer; BlendFunc: TBlendFunction; procedure PrepareBitmaps; begin Tmp.Width := W; Tmp.Height := H; Mem.Canvas.Brush.Color := Color; Mem.Width := W; Mem.Height := H; Mem.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; Msk.Width := W; Msk.Height := H; Msk.Monochrome := True; end; procedure PrepareMask(R: TRect); var Radius: Integer; begin Radius := (R.Bottom - R.Top) div 2; Msk.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack; Msk.Canvas.FillRect(R0); Msk.Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite; Msk.Canvas.Ellipse(R.Left,R.Top,R.Left + 2 * Radius,R.Bottom); Msk.Canvas.Ellipse(R.Right - 2 * Radius,R.Right,R.Bottom); Msk.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(R.Left + Radius,R.Right - Radius,R.Bottom)); end; procedure DrawTopGradientEllipse; begin GradientFill(Tmp.Canvas.Handle,R2,MixColor(Color,clWhite,1.0),0.2),True); PrepareMask(R2); MaskBlt(Mem.Canvas.Handle,W,H,Tmp.Canvas.Handle,Msk.Handle,MakeROP4(SRCCOPY,DSTCOPY)); end; procedure DrawPerforation; begin while R4.Right < (W - H div 2) do begin Mem.Canvas.Pen.Color := MixColor(Color,clBlack,0.9); Mem.Canvas.RoundRect(R4.Left,R4.Top,R4.Right,R4.Bottom,H div 7,H div 7); Mem.Canvas.Pen.Color := MixColor(Color,0.5); Mem.Canvas.RoundRect(R4.Left + 1,R4.Top + 1,R4.Right - 1,R4.Bottom - 1,H div 7 - 1,H div 7 - 1); Mem.Canvas.Pen.Color := MixColor(Color,0.33); Mem.Canvas.MoveTo(R4.Left + H div 14,R4.Top + 1); Mem.Canvas.LineTo(R4.Right - H div 14,R4.Top + 1); OffsetRect(R4,R4.Right - R4.Left + H div 12,0); end; end; procedure DrawCaption; begin Mem.Canvas.Font := Font; ShadowFactor := 0.6 + 0.4 * (Min(1.0,ColorBlackness(Font.Color) + 0.3)); Mem.Canvas.Font.Color := MixColor(Font.Color,ShadowFactor); DrawText(Mem.Canvas.Handle,PChar(Caption),-1,R3,DrawTextFlags); OffsetRect(R3,-Shadow,Shadow); Mem.Canvas.Font.Color := Font.Color; DrawText(Mem.Canvas.Handle,DrawTextFlags); end; procedure DrawBorderAlias; begin Mem.Canvas.Pen.Color := MixColor(Color,0.65); X := R1.Left + (R1.Bottom - R1.Top) div 2 + 2; Mem.Canvas.Arc(R1.Left + 1,R1.Top,R1.Left + R1.Bottom - R1.Top + 1,R1.Bottom,X,H); X := R1.Right - (R1.Bottom - R1.Top) div 2 - 2; Mem.Canvas.Arc(R1.Right - 1,R1.Right - R1.Bottom + R1.Top - 1,0); end; procedure DrawBorder; begin PrepareMask(R1); Tmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite; Tmp.Canvas.Draw(0,Msk); BitBlt(Mem.Canvas.Handle,SRCAND); end; procedure DrawCombineParent; begin BitBlt(Tmp.Canvas.Handle,ParentDC,Left,Top,SRCCOPY); BlendFunc.BlendOp := AC_SRC_OVER; BlendFunc.BlendFlags := 0; BlendFunc.SourceConstantAlpha := Round(FTransparency * High(Byte) / 100); BlendFunc.AlphaFormat := 0; AlphaBlend(Mem.Canvas.Handle,BlendFunc); PrepareMask(R0); MaskBlt(Mem.Canvas.Handle,MakeROP4(DSTCOPY,SRCCOPY)); end; begin if HasParent and (Height > 1) then begin W := Width; H := Height; BorderTop := Max(1,H div 30); BorderBottom := Max(2,H div 10); BorderSide := (BorderTop + BorderBottom) div 2; Shadow := Font.Size div 8; R0 := ClientRect; R1 := Rect(BorderSide,BorderTop,W - BorderSide,H - BorderBottom); R2 := Rect(R1.Left + BorderSide + 1,R1.Right - BorderSide - 1,R1.Top + H div 4); R3 := Rect(H div 2 + 1 + Shadow,R1.Top + 1,W - H div 2 - 1,R1.Bottom - Shadow); R4 := Bounds(H div 2,R1.Bottom - H div 4 + 1,H div 5,H div 4 - 2); ParentDC := GetDC(Parent.Handle); Tmp := TBitmap.Create; Mem := TBitmap.Create; Msk := TBitmap.Create; try PrepareBitmaps; DrawTopGradientEllipse; DrawPerforation; DrawCaption; DrawBorderAlias; DrawBorder; DrawCombineParent; BitBlt(Canvas.Handle,Mem.Canvas.Handle,SRCCOPY); finally Msk.Free; Mem.Free; Tmp.Free; ReleaseDC(Parent.Handle,ParentDC); end; end; end; procedure TGlassLabel.SetBounds(ALeft,AHeight: Integer); begin if AWidth < AHeight then AWidth := AHeight; inherited SetBounds(ALeft,AHeight); end; procedure TGlassLabel.SetTransparency(Value: TPercentage); begin if FTransparency <> Value then begin FTransparency := Value; Invalidate; end; end; end.
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Font.Size := 16; Font.Color := $00A5781B; Font.Name := 'Calibri'; Font.Style := [fsBold]; with TGlassLabel.Create(Self) do begin SetBounds(40,40,550,60); Color := $00271907; Caption := '395 Days,22 Hours,0 Minutes,54 Seconds'; Parent := Self; end; with TGlassLabel.Create(Self) do begin SetBounds(40,40 + 119,60); Color := $00000097; Caption := '0 Days,1 Hours,59 Minutes,31 Seconds'; Parent := Self; end; end;