Delphi为Windows Mobile编程

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了Delphi为Windows Mobile编程前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
所以Delphi现在支持 Windows,MacOS,AndroidAndroid的编程. iOS版.有没有办法,使用Delphi(XE5)为Windows Mobiles编写程序?


您可以从 RemObjects开始查看 Oxygene编译器,他们支持许多平台,包括WinRT,iOS和Android,以下是他们网站的引用:

Oxygene 6 is out now,supporting 3 major target platforms: .NET,WinRT
and Mono,Java and Android and NEW! native Cocoa development for Mac
and iOS. the same language lets you targets all three platforms,and
produces 100% native output for the respective platform

Oxygene不是Delphi产品,但它与Rad Studio捆绑在一起作为Delphi Prism
